  • 學位論文


A Study on Labor Dispute Resolution Systems

指導教授 : 鄭津津


有勞資關係就難免會發生勞資爭議。全球於2008年的金融海嘯導致許多企業發生經營危機,各企業先後實施因應措施,包括終止勞動契約,因而發生更多的勞資爭議。為了保護勞工權利和穩定僱用關係,建立健全的勞資爭議處理機制自有其必要性。相較於訴訟,訴訟外紛爭解決機制具有多樣性、可降低訴訟成本,以及迅速解決紛爭等特性。本論文以勞資爭議處理法為中心,並審視我國勞資爭議處理機制,並介紹及討論美國的相關制度,作為我國相關法制之參考。 本論文分為九章:第一章介紹本論文的研究動機和方法。第二章概述勞資爭議事件的性質和類型,並討論常見的勞資爭議處理機制。第三章討論訴訟外紛爭解決機制(ADR),接著介紹ADR在美國的歷史沿革及類型,並探討其如何運作,以作為後面各章之理論基礎。第四章著重於我國最常使用於勞資爭議之處理機制即調解機制,並探討美國的相關制度。第五章討論仲裁的性質和類型,並分析為何台灣的勞資爭議仲裁制度並不如預期的切實有效,並介紹美國的勞資爭議仲裁機度。第六章則是介紹和比較台灣和美國的裁決制度,因裁決制度係2011年5月1日施行之新法中最重要的改革之一,其發展是各方注目之重點。第七章則介紹臺灣的勞動訴訟相關制度,第八章則試著尋求勞動訴訟與訴訟外紛爭解決機制調合之道。並在最後一章,提出本論文之結論,以及針對各章節所提到的問題,提出健全我國勞資爭議處理機制的建議。


The 2008 financial crisis led to the worst recession since the stock market crash of 1929 and the subsequent Great Depression. The impact of the global financial crisis varies across countries, but it usually includes the problems of falling demand for labor, downward wage pressures, increasing retrenchments and prolonged unemployment. Many employers reduced their labor costs by terminating employees from employment or reducing employees' wages and hours of work. For the protection of labor rights and stabilization for employment relationship, it is necessary to establish a diverse and professional labor dispute resolution mechanism. Compared with traditional litigation, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is more flexible, economic and efficient. The dissertation focuses on the Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes, and examines current labor dispute resolution systems in Taiwan. It also briefly introduces and discusses the relevant system in the United States, which may provide a useful model for the resolution of labor disputes. This dissertation is divided into nine chapters and its points are as follows:The first chapter provides a brief overview of research motive and methods of the dissertation. Chapter 2 of the dissertation initially outlines the nature and types of labor disputes, and discusses the dispute settlement methods used frequently in Taiwan. Chapter 3 discusses ADR systems .Being an important theoretical basis,it sketches the historical development and typical forms of ADR in the United States, and further examines how they worked. Chapter 4 focuses on conciliation and mediation emerged as the two most common means to resolve labor disputes in Taiwan. It also briefly introduces and discusses the relevant system in the United States. Chapter 5 discusses the nature and types of arbitration, and analyzes why the Taiwanese labor arbitration system is not effective and efficient as expected. As a point of reference, it also briefly introduces the arbitration system in the United States, and examines the benefits it provides in practice. The amendment to the Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes passed the legislative procedure in 2009 and came into effect on May 1, 2011. Chapter 6 introduces and takes a comparative perspective on the new adjudication system in Taiwan and the United States. Since the new system is one of important reforms, the chapter discusses its development and related issues in Taiwan. Chapter 7 discusses Taiwanese labor litigation. With the rising popularity of ADR, Chapter 8 seeks a balance between litigation and ADR in settling labor disputes .To resolve those problems mentioned among the chapters, the concluding chapter suggests possible improvements to Taiwanese labor dispute resolution systems and other labor law reform proposals.




