  • 學位論文

從批判論述分析看 「中華民國建國一百年慶祝系列活動」中的國族敘事

The Narrative of Nationalism in “the ROC Centennial Celebrating Activities”: A Perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis

指導教授 : 李俊毅


摘要 中華民國建國一百年期間,政府有系統地耗費鉅資,規劃舉辦了上百項的慶祝活動。無論這些活動內容性質是否與建國百年相關,都可以看到活動標語掛著「慶祝中華民國建國一百年」幾個大字。然而,回顧過去百年歷史,臺灣有長達數十年的時間是為日本殖民統治,所謂的「中華民國」明顯沒有固定不變的版圖、疆界,以及由此而來的人民。因此,對現今的臺灣而言,又何來中華民國建國百年的歷史意義? 本文針對「中華民國建國百年」系列活動,提出一套有別於官方論述的視角。藉由批判論述分析的觀點,本文探討這些慶祝活動如何再現特定的國族敘事。「建國百年」的文本(即慶祝活動)並不是慶祝一個既存且不變的中華民國,而是藉此建構與(重新)定義中華民國與台灣的關係。它們不僅強化或刻劃一個中國的國族認同與歷史,也連帶賦予未來的兩岸關係特定的政策啟示。


Abstract During the centennial of the Republic of China (the ROC), the government systematically spent immense budget on hosting a series of celebrating activities. All of these activities were labeled with the slogan “Celebrating the ROC’s 100 years anniversary,” although their content and nature do not necessarily relate to the idea of the nation. Historically speaking, however, Taiwan had been under Japan’s colonial rule for decades and was not part of the ROC. The ROC therefore does not have fixed and inherent boundaries, territories, and people. A question thereby comes up: what’s the meaning of the ROC Centennial for contemporary Taiwan? This thesis offers a reading of the ROC Centennial other than the official discourse. Undertaking a perspective of the Critical Discourse Analysis, it explores how a specific national narrative has been represented in and through various celebrating activities. Rather than celebrating the ROC as a nation-state “already there,” the texts (i.e. the activities) in fact construct and (re)define a particular relationship between the ROC and Taiwan. Consequently, they not only strengthen or even impose a Chinese national identity and national history, but also have clear policy implications for the future cross-Strait relations.


倪炎元,「批判論述分析的脈絡建構策略:Teun A. van Dijk與Norman Fairclough的比較」,傳播研究與實踐,第1卷第2期(2011 年7 月),頁83-97。
