  • 學位論文


Discipline Attitude and Coping Strategies for The Elementary School Teachers under The Policy of Zero Corporal Punishment

指導教授 : 許華孚


在過去的教育環境中,體罰常是用來管教學生的方式之一,但零體罰政策實施後,教師管教學生的方式有了很大的變化。本研究旨在探討零體罰政策實施後,國小教師的管教態度與因應作為;教師對零體罰政策的了解及看法;在教學時所觀察到的現象與問題。 本研究採質性研究,以半結構式的訪談法進行資料蒐集,選取台南市六位國小教師進行研究。研究結果如下:大部份教師是支持「校園零體罰」政策的,但對於法規的了解較模糊。校園中體罰情形已經大幅減少了,但體罰的情形依然存在。由於處罰的程度不同,教師對於體罰的定義產生不同看法,並且對於體罰所衍生的法律問題並不清楚。教師認為體罰對於改正學生的偏差行為並沒有效果。在家長方面,家長對於教師合理的管教範圍並不清楚。零體罰政策後,老師都會學習控制自己的脾氣,在班級經營方面也會有正向管教的措施。 最後,根據上述研究結果提出具體建議,提供給教師及相關教育單位參考,建議如下:教師應該加強本身的情緒管理,多和其它教師溝通、分享班級經營良好的實務經驗,來提升自己的教學知能。學校行政單位必須協助支持教師,多舉辦班級經營及輔導相關研習。在政府方面,政府對零體罰政策應多加宣導,並研擬相關配套措施,讓整個政策更加完善。


國小教師 體罰 管教 零體罰政策


Corporal punishment is one of the means used to discipline students in the past educational environment.But it caused dramatical change in the way teachers discipline students after the enforcement of the zero corporal punishment. This study aims to find out the elementary school teachers’ attitude of discipline and coping strategies after the enforcement of the zero corporal punishment policy.The teachers’ cognitions and opinions regarding to the zero corporal punishment policy. And to observed phenomena and problems in the teaching environment. The qualitative research method was adopted in this study. The data were collected with semi-structured deep-interview from six elementary school teachers in Tainan city.The conclusions are summarized as follows: Most teachers supports the zero corporal punishment policy, but vaguely do to its regulations.In the campus the corporal punishment situation reduced largely, but the corporal punishment situation also exists. The teachers have the different view regarding the corporal punishment definition.The teachers are not clear about the legal matter which grows regarding the corporal punishment. The teachers thought the corporal punishment has no effect to correct student's deviant behavior.The parents are not clear about the reasonable scope of discipline to the teachers. After the teachers apply the zero corporal punishment policy, they also learn to control their temperament. After the prohibition of corporal punishment, the teachers designed positive disciplinary strategies to students. Finally, this study proposes concrete suggestions to teachers and educational authorities as reference:Teachers should enhance their emotional management,communicate andshare better practical experience in class management with other teachers. In the school,administrative personnel should be the support of teachers,more seminars on class management and counseling of students should be held. The government should do more efforts to promulgate regulations on zero corporal punishment,design supplementary measuers to the policy.


張憲庭(2005)。少子化現象對學校經營管理之衝擊與因應之道。學校行政雙月刊, 87-93


