

本研究旨在探究休閒運動參與對高齡者的健康促進。研究目的包括下述三項:(一)瞭解積極參與休閒運動的高齡者所感受之健康益處;(二) 探討高齡者休閒運動參與行為;(三)探討休閒運動參與的學習方式與感受。 本研究採質性研究的方法,以七位65歲以上的高齡者為研究對象,並進行深度訪談。經統整分析口述資料後,得到研究結論如下:一、健康的益處包括1.透過定期健康檢查預防疾病的發生,2.藉由多元的運動項目促進身體的健康,3.休閒運動使慢性病得到控制,4.休閒運動使高齡者心情愉悅,5.休閒運動能使高齡者的靈性獲得提升;二、休閒運動參與行為有1.高齡者的運動行為方式能改善身體的健康,2.高齡者喜歡休閒運動類型理由,3.高齡者運動習慣的養成帶給身體的好處,4.生活型態的改變使慢性病和體重得到控制;三、休閒運動的學習方式與感受如1.高齡者從多方面的管道獲得正確的運動資訊,2.高齡者經由反覆練習的方式學習運動技能,3.運動技能體驗更能促進身體健康,4.運動技能精熟能增加手腳四肢的靈活度。 關鍵字:休閒運動、高齡者、健康促進、休閒運動類型


The purpose of this study aimed to explore the effects of the participation in sport and recreation for the elderly’s health promotion. The three main points of this study included: 1. understanding the health benefits by active participation in sport and recreation for the elderly; 2. to explore the behavior of the participation in sport and recreation; 3. to explore the learning ways and perceptions to participate in sport and recreation. The method of this study was used by qualitative approach. The subject was recruited by seven elder persons who over 65 years old and conducted in-depth interviews for this study. After analyzing related dictation and documents and the results were as following: 1. The health benefits: a. through the regular health examination could prevent the disease, b. participating multiple exercise could promote the health, c. chronic disease was under control, d. having highly pleasant mood for the elderly, e. doing exercise could promote sound spirit ; 2. The behavior of participating sport and recreation: a. promoting health condition by changing exercise behavior, b. the reasons of involving sport and recreation, c. bring the benefits of health by making the habit of exercise, d. changing the lifestyle in order to control chronic disease and bodyweight; 3. To explore the learning ways and perception to participate in sport and recreation: a. to get more correct exercise information for the elderly, b. through the more exercise practice to get motor skill; c. to get more health by the experiences of motor learning, d. more motor skill could enhance the range motion and flexibility. Keywords: recreational sports, the elderly, health promotion, recreational sports type


盧宸緯 (2008)。從活躍老化觀點談戶外休閒的重要性。學校體育,18(3),35-41。
