  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 戴伸峰


本研究旨在了解高雄市民之個人背景變項對警察貪腐容忍度、警察廉能評價、警政信任度、治安滿意度及警察形象之差異影響,以及上開各心理主觀因素與警察形象之相關性。在研究方法上,以研究者自行編製之研究工具,採問卷調查法,針對18歲以上之高雄市民進行調查,取得有效樣本共300份,問卷資料透過描述統計、探索式因素分析、單因子變異量分析及皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元回歸等統計方法、進行統計分析與檢驗,研究結果發現如下: 一、在性別差異方面,男性受訪者比女性受訪者持有較高的治安滿意度與廉能評價,女性受訪者則較男性受訪者持有較負面的警政信任度與負面違法形象。 二、在年齡差異方面,成熟世代(48歲以上)相較於其他年齡組(18-34歲及34-48歲)有較高之廉能評價及治安滿意度,然而對於警政信任度卻有較低之評價。 三、在婚姻狀態方面,已婚者較未婚者持有較高之警察廉能評價及警政信任度;而離婚、分居或喪偶者對於警力需求度明顯高於已婚及未婚之族群。 四、在警察訊息關注差異方面,特別關注警察訊息者,對於警察貪腐容忍度較高,並對警察廉能評價、警政信任度持有較高之評價,且更認同警察正義親民形象及安心信賴形象,然而,卻也更認同警察負面違法形象。 五、在媒體媒介使用管道差異方面,以報紙為媒介者,對於警察廉能評價較高,對於警力需求度較低,且較不認同警察負面違法形象、官僚形象及嚴正執法形象;以電腦網路與手機為媒介者,對於警力需求度較高,並較認同警察負面違法形象。 六、在媒體信任態度及警政新聞信任態度方面,其中「想辦法查證後相信」者相較於「馬上相信」及「聽聽就好」者,對於警察廉能評價、警政信任、治安印象均有較高之評價,並較認同警察正面形象。 七、在接觸警察訊息頻率差異方面,其中認為在日常生活中「太常獲得」警政新聞者,相較於認為「經常獲得」、「有時候獲得」、「很少獲得」者,對於警察工作評價、廉能評價、警政信任及警察形象均持較負面之評價。 八、在媒體所提供有關警政新聞或訊息中,認為報導以「正面消息居多者」相較於認為以「負面消息居多」及「正負面消息各半」者,對於警察廉能評價、警政信任、治安印象均顯著傾向較負面之評價,且更認同負面違法形象。 九、警察貪污容忍程度、警察廉能評價、警政信任度及治安滿意度與整體警察形象皆有顯著相關。 十、在各變項之間的關係上,經過回歸驗證後發現,貪腐容忍度、廉能評價、警政信任度及治安滿意度對警察形象均具有預測力。其中,「正向警政信任」因子對於警察「正義親民形象」、「安心信賴形象」之解釋力最高;「負向警政信任」因子對於警察「負面違法形象」、「官僚形象」之解釋力最高;「正向廉能評價」因子對於警察「嚴正執法形象」之解釋力最高。 本研究最後根據相關實證分析結果與研究者實務經驗,指出警政機關目前各項施政與貪瀆預防政策在執行上所面臨之困境與盲點,並針對研究結論提出提升警察正面形象之相關具體建議。


The study aims to understand the significant differences from demographic backgrounds of citizens in Kaohsiung, Taiwan to police image, satisfaction of public security, evaluation of incorruptibility, trustiness of police, and cognition by media experience. The research was processed with questionnaire established by researcher by survey method to above 18-year-old adult in Kaohsinug, Taiwan. Finally it got effective samples of 300. According to analysis of empirical data by described statistics, EFA, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and step-wise regression, the conclusions of research are as follows. 1.In gendered distinct, male got more satisfaction of public security and positive evaluation of incorruptibility than female. Female hade more degree of negative trustiness of police and illegal image of police than male. 2.In difference of age, elders got less degree of trustiness of police, but got more satisfaction of public security and positive evaluation of incorruptibility than younger ones. 3.By marriage status, man with marriage got more evaluation of incorruptibility and degree of trustiness of police than ones without marriage. At the same time ones with marriage had more easily to think than ones without marriage that there is enough police power for public security. 4.In differences of focusing on police information, more focus on media information has more degree of tolerant on corruption, positive evaluation of incorruptibility, degree of positive trustiness of police, image of police justice, and illegal image of police. 5.Distinct among using interface of getting information, ones by book and papers got news had less negative evaluation of incorruptibility and more easily to think that there is enough police power for public security. Ones with using cellphone and PC think that is needed more police power for public security and got more identification on negative illegal image of police. 6.In attitudes of media trustiness, believing with confirmation ones have more positive evaluation of incorruptibility, degree of positive trustiness of police, trustiness of police, and positive image of police. 7.More often getting police information brings more negative of, evaluation of incorruptibility, degree of trustiness of police, trustiness of police, and image of police. 8.More getting positive information of police brings more negative of, evaluation of incorruptibility, degree of trustiness of police, trustiness of police, and image of police. 9.There is significant statistical relationship among degree of enduring corrupt, police image, satisfaction of public security, evaluation of incorruptibility, and trustiness of police 10.On relationships among every variables, by regression analyzing, there are predictions between degree of tolerant on corruption and police image, evaluation of incorruptibility and police image, degree of trustiness of police and police image, satisfaction of public security and police image. Finally, with conclusions and practical experience from researcher, the work points out the difficulties of police policy on prevention of corruptibility and makes practical concreted suggests for increasing positive image of police.. Keywords: police image, satisfaction of public security, evaluation of incorruptibility, trustiness of police, cognition by media experience






