  • 學位論文


The Research of War Influnce on Senior Veterans' Life Meaning--with Military Officer for Example

指導教授 : 林麗惠


資深榮民為現今台灣社會中相當特殊的一個族群,他們一生的經歷,幾乎是我們國家近百年來的歷史縮影,如今已九十高齡的資深榮民,由於人生路上的起伏動盪,他們對於生命意義大都有深刻之體認。 本研究旨在探討資深榮民的生命意義,研究目的有三:其一、瞭解戰爭經歷對於步入人生晚年之資深榮民的影響如何;其二、瞭解資深榮民戰後約半世紀的和平時期裡,對於生命意義之體認如何;其三、瞭解資深榮民晚年在回顧所經歷之戰亂與和平後,對於生命意義之體認如何。 為達到上述之研究目的,本研究循著質性研究之途徑,以現象學理論為基礎,對四位資深榮民進行深度訪談,在統整分析他們的口述資料之後,獲得了以下之研究結論。一、戰爭的經歷是影響資深榮民生命意義之重要因素。二、資深榮民生涯規劃之重心由反攻大陸移轉為落地生根。三、返鄉探親是資深榮民融合及昇華一生生命意義體認的重要關鍵。四、資深榮民生命意義的發展歷程包括內在的修為與外在的呈現。而內在與外在生命意義的融合,即為其人生各階段之整體生命意義,融合之過程分別為:(一)「反攻歸鄉心理」與「軍事反攻武力」的內外在生命意義,融合成為「重享天倫」的青年期生命意義。(二)「落地生根心理」與「社會生力軍」的內外在生命意義,融合成為「落地生根」的成年期生命意義。(三)「老年超驗思維」與「家族輩分提升」的內外在生命意義,融合成為「老年超驗」的老年期生命意義。 針對上述結論,筆者分別對榮民服務機構、高齡教育機構,以及未來研究提出建議。綜合言之,本研究經深度訪談幾位資深榮民後,發現他們大都因為戰火餘生,及在台灣擁有幸福家庭,而於人生晚年呈現出富足的生命意義,並於生命歷程的第八(九)階段,以淡泊之心境,在人生路上繼續前行。


生命意義 資深榮民


Senior veteran is a very particular population in Taiwan society, their past experiences are closely connected with the lately century history events of our country. Since they have been experiencing ninety years turbulent career, most of them apprehend the life meaning deeply. There are three purposes on this research to discuss the life meaning of senior veterans. First, to realize how the war experience influences senior veterans? Secondly ,to understand how the senior veterans think of their life meaning during the post-war period? Finally , to comprehend how the senior veterans to deem their life meaning after they review their whole life career? In order to achieve the three purposes above, four senior veterans was interviewed repeatedly with the rinciple of qualitative research and the theory of phenomenology. There are four research conclusions obtained after the interview materials were analyzed. First, the war experience is an important component that influences the life meaning of senior veteran. Secondly, senior veterans translated their core of the career plan from counterattack Chinese Communism to settle down themselves in Taiwan. Third, returning homeland to visit their relatives is a crucial matter for senior veterans in their lifetime to integrate and sublimate their realization of life meaning. Finally, the growing track of senior veterans’ life meaning include the ゙inside ゙self-cultivation and the ゙outside ゙behavior representing. The result to integrate the ゙inside ゙and the ゙outside ゙life meaning is the unity life meaning in each phase of senior veteran’s career. There are three phases in the integration process. First, the life meaning in youth is to enjoy family happiness again, which is integrated with the psychology of counterattack for returning hometown and the force of military counterattack. Secondly, the life meaning in adult is ゙to settle down themselves in Taiwan ゙, which is integrated with ゙the psychology of settling down ゙and ゙the society new force ゙. Third, the life meaning in aged phase is ゙gerotranscendence ゙, which is integrated with ゙gerotranscendence ゙and ゙ the rising of position in the family tree ゙. According to the conclusions above, here are some suggestions to the veteran affairs institutions and the elder education institutions, besides there are also some suggestions to those who want to research such subject in the future. In short, after deeply interviewing several senior veterans, there is a crucial finding emerging ─ Because of surviving from the war, and have well-being family in Taiwan, most of the senior veterans have meaningful lives in their old age, they are not to seek fame and wealth during the eighth(or ninth)phase of life, and keep going with peace steady races in the rest of their lives.


senior veteran life meaning




