  • 學位論文


Leadership Behaviors of an Elite Volleyball Coach in Elementary School

指導教授 : 曾沈連魁


本研究目的在深入了解一位優秀國民小學排球教練的領導行為、影響因素與致勝因素。採質性方式,以一位締造11連霸之全國紀錄的國小排球教練作為研究個案 (阿賢老師)。以半結構式訪談、文件分析及參與式觀察蒐集資料,所得資料以開放性編碼、主軸編碼及選擇性編碼,持續歸納、比較及分析。結果發現,優秀國民小學排球教練領導行為包括威權領導、仁慈領導及才德領導等。威權領導的概念包括專權作風、形象整飭及教誨行為;仁慈領導的概念包括個別照顧及維護面子;才德領導包括公私分明及以身作則。另外,影響優秀國民小學排球教練領導行為的因素包括個人因素、學校的支援、選手的意願及家長的意願。至於優秀國民小學排球教練領導行為的致勝因素包括個人特質、家庭支持、良好的師生互動、社交圈的建立及擅於選才。本研究結果為優秀國小排球教練的領導行為需以才德領導和仁慈領導為主,威權領導為輔,重視選手興趣的培養,建立良好的溝通技巧和人際脈絡,以助於增加球隊資源和支持。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the leadership behavior, and its influential factors, and success factors of an elite volleyball coach in elementary school. Qualitative analyses were used in the stay and the case study was an elementary school volleyball coach, Ah Yin teacher, who has coached the players to win national champions for eleven consecutive years. The research methods included semi-structured interviews, document analysis and participatory observation. I then processed the collected data using open coding, axial coding, selective coding, sustained induction, comparison and analysis. The results showed that the elite elementary school volleyball coach leadership behaviors include authoritarian leadership, benevolent leadership, and moral leadership. Authoritarian leadership concept includes autocratic style, straighten the image and teachings of behavior. Benevolent leadership concept includes individual care and maintenance of pride. Moral leadership concept includes separating business and personal matters and practicing what he preaches. In addition, the factors that affect the excellent leadership behavior of the elementary school volleyball coach include individual characteristics, school supports, players and parents’ perspectives. The conclusions indicated that (1) the moral and benevolent leaderships are more important components than the authoritarian leadership for the elite elementary volleyball coach leadership behaviors, (2) an elite elementary volleyball coach should pay more attentions to develop players’ interests, and (3) an elite elementary volleyball coach is motivated to develop excellent communication skills and networks to assist gaining the resources and supports for the team.


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