  • 學位論文


Students’ Diaries Acted as a Mirror: Self-Exploration of a 5th-to-6th-Grade Homeroom Teacher

指導教授 : 洪志成


摘要 本研究係一個國小高年級級任教師針對班級學生每日自由書寫的日記所透露的訊息進行自我探究,旨在探討一個實施學生日記教學十幾年的導師,經由學生日記中的看見及反思,讓教學者能重新省視自己,以求改進多年來習焉不察的習慣;也欲藉此探討到底學生的日記中透露出什麼樣的訊息?身為教學者又能從中獲得怎樣的看見?深入理解兒童的世界,進而反思教學者在其中的角色。 本研究在資料的取得上以能解答以上問題的證據資料為優先考量,包含學生日記、省思札記、與家長及校內同事的非正式訪談及各種與日記有關之作業及評量…等,對於所搜集的資料進行編碼,先由學生日記文本分析中的看見不斷進行反思,進而思考改變教學之後的再看見,最後重新看見自己。所獲得的研究結果包括發現研究者自身的部分:是一個擁有經驗卻被束縛、潛藏偏見卻不自覺、有行動力卻衝過頭、作業多卻以為好、拿過去班級與現在比較、想以學生為中心卻仍忽略其想法的教師。由學生日記獲得的結論,包括:越是教學經驗豐富的教師,越需時時自我檢視與反思、日記提供學生書寫的平台,也是師生溝通的文本、透過日記傳遞的訊息配合教室觀察,能增進對學生的理解,收到及時輔導的效果、日記是對教師教學的回饋,也讓學生重新回顧及整理當日學習的情形、日記結合聯絡簿,可增進親師溝通的機會。 最後研究者提出的建議有:一、教師在批改學生日記時,應避免以作文的標準來衡量學生的日記。二、長期將日記寫作與班級閱讀結合,逐步提升偏遠地區學童的語文能力。三、將日記與聯絡簿結合可兼作親師溝通及班級經營的工具。四、唯有尊重學生想法及隱私,師生方能透過日記真誠的溝通。五、教師需時時自我警惕,避免在批閱日記過程中建構出對學生的刻板印象。六、親師溝通應透過多重管道,且不必拘泥於形式。


ABSTRACT The research was conducted by a fifth to sixth grade homeroom teacher who had been teaching diary writing for more than a decade in her class. The researcher intended to explore herself via reading the messages conveyed in the diaries that her students kept in class. It was hoped that the diaries could work as a mirror through which the researcher could retrospect herself and notice what she has ignored. The researcher intended to move a step further to explore what the messages in the diary reveal and what role a teacher should play in the inner world of the students. The students’ diaries, reflective notes, interviews with the parents and all the homework assignments and evaluations was prioritized because they could be used as the evidence to the research questions. The researcher found her inner self through encoding the data, keeping pondering and questioning herself. The results of the research are as follows: an experienced teacher might be confined or prejudiced by his/her own teaching experiences. In other words, a teacher might compare his/her students with those he/she taught in the past or ignore the students’ ideas and thoughts though the teacher might perceive him/herself as student-centered. Therefore, the more experience a teacher is, the more he/she should retrospect him/herself. Moreover, the diaries from the students could reflect what they have learned or experienced at school and thus be used as a platform for school communication, which could help a teacher better understand his/her students. Thus, it is suggested that 1)teachers should be alert that diary should not be read and corrected as an ordinary article or essay 2)combining diary keeping and reading skills could enhance students’ abilities in language in the long term. 3)diary could be used as a means of communication between parents and teachers as well as classroom management 4)respecting students’ thoughts and ideas as well as their privacy is the key to sincere communication between students and teachers 5)teachers should avoid stereo tying their students when reading the diary 6)there are no limits to the forms or types of communication between teachers and parents


