  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 周登陽


結婚儀式是在社會發展為人們接受的,大多數人承認的。典禮是男女雙方確立婚姻關係時所決定的重要儀式,男大當婚,女大當嫁,古今如此。婚禮的產生,是社會進步的一個重要標誌,使得社會兩性結合能規範化,更是人類走向文明的重要體現。中國古代把婚禮過程分為六個階段,古稱“六禮”,即納采、問名、納吉、納徵、請期、親迎。這六個階段經歷了千年的演變,到如今仍被人們所重視,華人婚禮講究熱鬧和喜慶,步驟繁多,各地的習俗也不盡相同。如今的婚禮與舊的婚嫁禮俗相比,雖然有了很多不同習俗,但步驟上還是大同小異。華人婚嫁禮俗中的傳統文化是我們應該繼承和發展的,因此,本研究具有重要的文化價值和社會價值。 研究分為兩大部分:文獻探討部分和使市場調查部分。兩部分相結合,為本研究主體。文獻研究部分以婚嫁禮俗為核心,研究諸多婚嫁禮俗中的細節,闡述了華人婚禮的整體過程,並創造新娘秘書(助理、幫辦…)職務的出現。新娘秘書的產生是時代的要求,是婚嫁禮俗對新新年輕人類的需求,符合人們需求,在華人市場具有廣闊的潛力,新娘秘書職務的產生帶來了婚宴市場新的機遇,使產業分工細緻化,提供更多的就業機會,使各項服務更專業,對服務的要求更高。因此,本文在對新娘秘書的需求現狀進行了實踐調查,通過深度訪談得到了一些有效資訊,並通過對這些資訊的整理和分析,得出相應的結論,新娘秘書的市場需求量很大,但是要想取得更好的發展,就必須走專業化道路,不斷學習新知識,提高自身素質,完善相關服務,豐富婚嫁禮俗知識,為華人社會優秀的傳統文化發揚光大盡一份職責。


新娘秘書 婚嫁禮俗


The wedding ceremony is an important decision to establish the relationship of marriage for both men and women. This ceremony is in the social development generally accepted, recognized by most people. Wedding, is an important symbol of the progress of human society, so that the social sexual union is standardized.Wedding ceremoney is an important manifestation of human civilization. In ancient China the wedding process is divided into six stages, called "six rites", namely the NACE, asked the name, Najib, Na syndrome, please issue, pro ying. The six stages after the evolution of the millennium, until now is still valued by people, and the Chinese wedding is lively and happy, complicated . Now the Chinese wedding and marriage etiquette and custom although are much different, but the general steps are similar. Chinese marriage customs of traditional culture is what we should inherit and development, therefore, this research has important cultural value and social value. This research can be divided into two parts: literature review and field survey. Some of the literature and investigation are combined, for this research. The part of literature survey on marriage etiquette and custom is the core, and elaborates the whole process of Chinese wedding, the bride and the secretary. The bride secretary is the requirement of the time, who is to meet people's need, has great potential in the Chinese wedding market. Bride Secretary has brought the new opportunity for the wedding market. More employment opportunities are provided, and services are more professional. the service requirements are also getting higher and higher. Therefore, this paper carried out the investigation in the demand situation of bride secretary, through depth interviews and obtained some useful information, and draw the corresponding conclusion. Market demand for bride secretary is very big, but to achieve better development, we must emphasize specialization, continuous learning of new knowledge, improvement of service.


7.吳佳玲,2007 年,台南市閩南族群年節祭祀用具與供品之現況調查,台南科大學報 第26 期 223-242 頁。
1. 劉還月、陳阿昭、陳靜芳(2003)。台灣島民的生命禮俗。台北市。常民文化事業股份有限公司。
一. 引註資料-專書部份


