  • 學位論文


Study on "Insiders / Outsiders: The New Immigrants Film Series":taking the character’s situation and the issue examined as the axis of

指導教授 : 黃清順


臺灣為多元族群社會,不同的文化在臺灣展現不同風貌,帶來多元生命活力。自1990年以來,許多臺灣男性開始向鄰近國家尋求結婚對象,使得臺灣人口及家庭結構、婚姻型態逐漸轉變。內政部統計資料顯示,截自民國103年(2014)止,新移民人口數已然逼近50萬。這些不可再忽視為「少數」的新族群,開始受到學術界及藝文界的矚目,許多影像工作者也隨之關注新移民的聲音,拍攝許多紀錄片及電視、電影,以新移民為主題,呈現其跨國移動的生命歷程。 新移民做為在國族、文化、性別、階級上多重弱勢的群體,臺灣社會各界對其有著普遍上的認知「不足」,而媒體或導演詮釋的角度往往更有其主觀的「選擇性」意識;此外,新移民做為一個現象、也是熱門議題,反映在電影上,呈現的觀察面向──諸如處境困難、融入不易等種種情況,劇情的闡述是否能恰如其分?而由臺灣導演、編劇、甚至臺灣演員所詮釋的電影,又有什麼樣的亮點與盲點?凡上述種種,皆是本論文所欲研究、分析之問題。 另外,筆者還在研究過程中發現:本系列《內人/外人》電影除了著眼於新移民的在臺處境,事實上,影片也從側面上反映出臺灣自身的問題:諸如農村邊緣化、農業勞動力的老化與流失、國際競爭力的衰退、食安問題,等等。對影片宏旨之外的多元反思,也是本論文觀察的重點。 最後,本系列電影亦有其時間、空間、敘事角度上的侷限:拍攝場域多以臺灣為主,敘事角度也侷限在臺灣夫家,新移民的母國及家人之聲音相對微弱,反而強化了臺灣民眾對新移民的刻板印象。要之,本部《內人/外人》影劇,有其侷限與盲點,但依然刻畫新移民如何面對生命的挑戰,鏡頭關注的面向也並絕非如媒體所慣常建構的「受害者」、「淘金客」等負面形象。筆者期待透過本論文的研究成果,能讓社會大眾更深切體會新移民已是臺灣重要的成員,並看見其真實的生命歷程。


電影敘事 新移民 外籍配偶 再現


Taiwan is a multi-ethnic society, in which different cultures show different styles and bring diverse vitalities. Statistics from the Ministry of Interior showed that, until the year 2014 the new immigrant population was nearly 50 million. Many video and image workers began to focus on the voices of the new immigrants by making many documentary films, television and movies, which took the new immigrants as the subject of their works, and showed their life’s journey. As the weak group of multiple elements including the nation, culture, gender, and class, the view of the new immigrants taken by the media or the director are rather a more subjective interpretation of "selective" consciousness.When the new immigrants is reflected in the film, which situation of the new immigrants will be presented? In the movies explained by the Taiwanese directors, screenwriters, and even actors, what kind of highlights and blind spots are there in them? This is the question which this thesis wants to explore and analyze. Also, the research results showed that, in addition to the situation of the new immigrants in Taiwan, the series of films also presented the problems of Taiwan itself: the rural marginalization, the aging and loss of agricultural labor, the recession of international competitiveness, and the food safety issues. However, there were still limitations of time, space and narrative point of view in this series of films: the multi-field shots were mainly in Taiwan, the view of the story was also limited. While the voices of the mother country and the families of the new immigrants were relatively weak, the stereotype that Taiwan people have of the new immigrants were strenthened. Despite its limitations and blind spots, this series of films still showed the image of the immigrants not just "victims" or "prospectors" as the media constructed. Thus general public can have a better understanding of the new immigrants who have become important members of Taiwan


