  • 學位論文

探討外商航空公司管理制度與服務品質: 以商務艙為例

The Research on Foreign Airlines’ Management Systems and Qualities of Service: Take Business Class for Example

指導教授 : 曾光華


全球航空客運量具有逐年增高趨勢,兩岸開放通航、以及國內兩大航空公司分別進入航空聯盟等因素,讓台灣國際機場的出入境人數逐年增加。而根據國內兩大航空公司的年報顯示,其主要營收來源來自於客運服務。客艙服務有別於一般傳統的服務業,空服員是在有限的飛航時間內與封閉空間進行密集的接觸服務,而服務品質與顧客滿意息息相關。 根據Skytrax國際航空評比顧問的結果,國內兩間主力航空商務艙服務為4顆星,因此本研究寄望研究其他5顆星的外商航空公司,與其商務艙空服員進行深度訪談,探討背後的關鍵因素。本研究樣本分別來自於卡達航空公司、國泰航空公司、全日本空輸、Z航(匿名)。 經過研究,影響客艙服務品質因素如下: 1.管理制度:客艙組員國籍背景、受訓升遷制度、公司制度、客艙文化。 2.服務態度與行動:乘客特性、服務流程、服務特色。 3.客艙硬體及環境:包含整潔、娛樂設備及其他硬體。 根據研究結果,並給予業界經營與行銷上的建議。


Due to globalization, the navigation between Taiwan and China, visa-free countries to increase year by year, as well as two Taiwan’s major domestic airlines have joined airline alliance, so that the number of global passengers increased year by year. Cabin service is different from the traditional service industry, flight attendants provide services during limited flight time in enclosed space, and service qualities are related to customer satisfactions. Skytrax is a Airline Rating system, which unified airline quality rating classification. Two Taiwan’s major domestic airlines got 4 stars, therefore it’s necessary to study 5 stars airplane companies. This study used qualitative research; the 7 samples were serving on business class from All Nippon Airways, Qatar Airways, Cathay Pacific Airways, Z Air. The impact factors of cabin service showed that 1. Management system: cabin crew nationality and background, training and promotion system, the enterprise system, cabin working culture. 2. Service attitude and actions: Passengers features, service processes, service characteristics. 3. Cabin environment: Cleanliness, cabin hardware.


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