  • 學位論文

武野館 武術文化研究 ─ 以雲林縣崙背鄉港尾村為觀察核心

指導教授 : 李知灝 江寶釵


摘要 本研究以西螺七欠 中的港尾武野館為主要研究範疇,探討武野館在西螺七欠地區的淵源與傳承、組織,七欠聚落形成的時代背景及所在地理位置。從金星師於1730年受邀至港尾創立武野館,播下武術種子後,其弟子在創館到今,各階段所發展的特色及陸續於西螺七欠各地成立武館指導歷程來作探討。然後就武野館拳法以基本套路「三步擼」、進階套路「合仔拳」的探討分析,最後分析尾欠(第七欠)基本套路「三步擼」與頭欠基本套路「一蝶頭」異同。港尾武野館發展已近二百年的歷史的陣頭文化。在台灣農業社會牽陣具有凝聚民心達到保全地方功能,獅陣象徵著祥瑞,並有驅邪逐惡的功能,在整個陣頭相當討喜,是整個陣頭生氣與靈氣。鼓樂如樂團的指揮者一般,讓活動內容更有活力,使陣頭更具能量,最重要的是具控制陣頭場面之功能。藉由武野館禮教、在地意義、社會功能探討其價值與意義。


西螺七欠 布雞拳 武野館 武術


Abstract In 1730 master Jin-Sing was invited to set up Wuye Martial Arts School in Gang-Wei. In the course of almost two centuries, the original martial arts school with its numerous disciples has developed into a variety of martial styles each with its own schools. This article uses the method of field research, coupled with interviews with many school leaders and their disciles, to study the origins and legacy of Wuye Martial Arts School in Siluo Seven Inlays region, their organization and development; to analyze the differences between Wuye martial moves, such as the basis "three steps," more advanced "he-zai boxing," while also covering the difference between "three steps" and "one butterfly head" (yi die tou). At the same time, based on my own observation, I also point out the uniqueness of "Bu-ji Boxing at Wuye Martial Arts School in Gang-Wei," and its functional meaning within Taiwanese parade culture. Parade culture plays an important role in maintaining community and security in Taiwan's farming society. Lion dance symbolizes good fortune and the banishing of evil, is quite liked by the audience and also serves as the center as well as the spirit of the parade. Often it cheers up the whole performance like orchestra conductors, bringing vibe and energy into the parade, most importantly it holds the whole parade in control. In short, this article discusses the meaning and value of Wuye martial arts school by studying its ritual tradition, meaning for local residents and social functions.


一、 專書
仇德哉,《雲林縣志稿 》(嘉義:羅印務館,1977)。
