  • 學位論文


A Study on the Impact of Different Exposition and Text Coherence on Children’s Reading Comprehension

指導教授 : 連啟舜


本研究目的在探討不同閱讀能力兒童對不同說明文文章連貫性的閱讀理解影 響。研究對象為小學二年級和四年級學生,並分別閱讀因果式和問題解決式說明文, 其文章連貫性分別為「局部&整體都連貫」、「局部連貫&整體不連貫」、「局部不連貫 &整體連貫」以及「局部&整體都不連貫」等四種版本。閱讀完文本,將進行研究者 自編的閱讀理解文本測驗,該測驗包括兩種向度:說明文文本結構和文章連貫性,並 以二因子變異數分析進行統計考驗,以了解不同閱讀能力兒童對於不同說明文文章連 貫性之閱讀理解表現情形。 本研究發現如下: 一、「文章連貫性」對國小二、四年級的學生在不同文章結構之文本的文本理解和推 論理解大多無顯著差異,僅有小四學生在因果式說明文本試題表現有顯著差 異,其中以「整體&局部都連貫」的理解表現最佳。 二、「閱讀能力」對國小二、四年級的學生在不同文章結構之文本的文本理解和推論 理解大多有顯著差異,高閱讀能力的學生的理解表現顯著優於低閱讀能力的學 生,僅有小二學生在問題解決式說明文推論試題的表現無顯著差異。 最後,研究者針對研究結果加以討論,並提出建議以為未來教學與研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of children’s different reading ability on the reading comprehension of the different expositions and text coherence. Samples are collected from the second and fourth graders in elementary school. The participants were asked to read four coherent expositions of causation and problem solving, including four versions of "both partial & overall coherence", " partial coherence & overall incoherence," "partial incoherence & overall coherence "and" neither partial nor overall coherence ." After reading the texts, the students will be asked to take the test of reading comprehension. Two different dimensions, the expository textual structure and the coherence of articles, were used to assess the students’ comprehension performances. Furthermore, two-way analysis of variance(one-way ANOVA)was utilized to evaluate of the performances of the children who have different abilities in reading comprehension according to the textual coherence of the articles. The results were as follows: First, the “article coherence” had no significant impact on the reading comprehension and the inference of the various structure texts for the fourth and the second graders in elementary schools; however there was a significant difference in the performance of the text-based questions on the causal expositions among the fourth graders, especially on the performance of the "both local & global coherent "understanding of the expositions. II I Second, the "reading ability" had a significant difference in text comprehension and inference comprehension on the various structure texts for the second and the fourth graders. The students with high-level reading ability perform better than those with low-level reading ability. However, there was no significant difference in problem-solving style expository inference questions among the second graders. Finally, the researcher discussed the findings, and then suggestions were made for school teaching and further studies according to the results shown above.


