  • 學位論文


Ketamine Abuse Offenders' Perception of Life Courses in Private Drug Rehab Centers.

指導教授 : 楊士隆


本研究旨在深入探究民間機構戒毒中之K他命施用者生命事件之覺察與轉變歷程。研究對象為南部某兩所民間機構戒毒中之K他命施用者,共六位。研究方法採質性研究半結構式深度訪談,現象學分析法進行內容分析。研究結果如下: 一、民間機構戒毒中之K他命施用者生命中的重要經歷 (一)家庭:缺乏與父親之間的情感連結、缺少父親或母親角色的榜樣、管教方式不一致、缺乏家庭溫暖、翹家、家庭中有藥物濫用者、父母有暴力或其他不良行為。 (二)學校:高中職肄業居多、中輟經驗、經常轉學、學業成就低落、學習態度不佳、當老大霸凌同學、高中嗆老師及恐嚇教官、生命中有老師像父母般被疼愛。 (三)同儕:低自我認知、低自尊、家庭發生的問題皆「與我吸毒」有關,被同儕排擠、投靠找到認同感的同儕團體、朋友邀約用藥、結交藥頭男友、藥頭隨叩隨到、彼此相挺、漸漸遠離非吸毒朋友、選擇與吸毒朋友在一起,但有非吸毒朋友、吸毒朋友、親密愛人的規勸,即會發揮正面的影響力。 (四)工作與休閒 工作:工作沒定力、為了賺錢從事非正當工作、販毒、混幫派、八大行業玩藥、八大行業小姐幾乎都有玩藥、上班拉K、客人邀約拉K、為了毒品下海。 休閒:休閒就是吸毒,選擇聲色場所居多,常在朋友家開趴或搖頭,施用毒品場所為自己及朋友家居多。 (五)社區環境:鄰居都有人吸毒、怕鄰居知道自己吸毒、常被警察抄自家、多次搬家、狡兔有三窟、居無定所。 二、民間機構戒毒中之K他命施用者的毒品施用歷程:施用原因為好奇心、為了忘掉煩惱、以為用K他命不會上癮、好玩助興、提神、與眾不同、打發時間、參加廟會陣頭。女性則與情感因素密不可分。初次施用感受,是從暈眩想吐到感覺輕飄飄。再次施用感受,是為了追求K他命吸到鼻腔的感覺、喜歡拉K後與朋友談心的感覺。皆自覺對K他命已經成癮,並且已經造成身心的危害。 三、民間機構戒毒中之K他命施用者的戒毒歷程:戒毒六部曲為自我覺醒、用其他成癮物質戒毒、尋求家人幫助、尋求醫院治療、尋求機構戒毒、尋求信仰力量。 四、民間機構戒毒中之K他命施用者的轉變歷程 找到另一個家:感受到愛與包容、改變(自我反省、正面的價值觀)、找到知 己,學習成為付出者。 未來藍圖:思考未來人生規劃、學一技之長、期待建立幸福家庭、重新生活、多陪伴家人、期待成為助人者。 未來克服困境因應方式:有顆堅定的心、培養好習慣、尋求多元支持。 五、民間機構戒毒中之K他命施用者對三、四級毒品防治的建議 罰責建議:講習罰錢助益不大、浪費時間、加重罰責、勒戒無效。 內容建議:小團體上課、勞動服務、照顧弱勢者學習珍惜生命、過來人分享見證、宣導毒品危害。 本研究根據研究結果,針對民間機構戒毒中之K他命施用者生命歷程提出九點建議,分別為協助建立幸福婚姻家庭、強化家庭功能之資源網絡、加強關懷與輔導出現偏差行為之學生、培養青少年健康休閒活動與生活習慣、強化K他命施用者回歸學校賡續就學或轉介就業、幫助K他命施用者擁有正向的同儕團體、強化K他命施用者社區資源之運用及支持、建立以社會心理處遇之多元治療模式、三、四級毒品危害講習規劃需調整,以作為主管機關及相關單位擬定K他命施用者處遇策略之參考。


This study aims to explore Ketamine abuse offenders' perception of life events and transformation courses in private drug rehab centers. 6 Ketamine abuse offenders from 2 private drub rehab centers in southern Taiwan were studied. Semi-structured interviews of qualitative research and phenomenological analysis were conducted in this study. Research results are as follows: A. Important experiences of Ketamine abuse offenders in private drug rehab centers (1)Family: Interviewees lacks paternal bond and parental examples. They suffered inconsistent parental discipline, and received few family warmth. They often ran away from home. They have family members who are substance abuse offenders, and their parents have violent or other misbehaviors. (2)School: Most of interviewees did not finish their senior high school or vocational school education. They have dropout experiences, and transferred schools for several times. They have poor school performance and bad learning attitudes. They bullied other classmates, provoked teachers, and intimidate instructors.Some teachers in their life take care of them like parents. (3)Peers: They have problems of low self-awareness and low self-esteem. They felt every family probelm was related to their drug abuse problems. They were unwelcome to peers, so they sought other peer groups to find recognition. Their friends invited them to use drugs. Their drug dealers were their boyfriends or provided substances on call. They firmly supported each other, and gradually alienated friends who did not use drugs. They chose to stay with sibstamce-abused friends. However, advices from friends who use or do not use drugs and lovers would have positive impact on interviewees. (4)Work and Leisure: Work: Interviewees lacked perseverance on work. They did illicit jobs for money, such as drug trafficking, joining gangs or porn industries. Interviewees said that most femail in porn industries use drugs. Some of them use Ketamine during work time. Some customers would invite them to use Ketamine. Some of them join porn industry for drugs. Leisure: The leisure of interviewees was using drugs. Most of them used drugs in sensual places. They had party in friend's house or took Ecstasy. They often used drugs in their own houses or friend's home. (5)Community environment: They had neighbors who use drugs. They were afraid to let neighbors know they used drugs. Their houses were often inspected by police, so they moved many times. They had many places to stay and had no fixed abode. B. Substance abusing history of Ketamine abuse offenders in private rehab cneters: They used Ketamine out of curiosity or to stop worrying. They believed Ketamine would not cause addiction problems and used it for fun or refreshment. Some of them used Ketamine just because they were bored. Some of them who joined troupes in temple fair would use Ketamine, too. Female interviewees were affected by relationship a lot. At the first time that interviewees used Ketamine, they felt dizzy and nauseous, then floating. They used it again because they desired the feeling when Ketaming was breathed into their nasal cavity. In addition, they also liked the feeling when talking to their friends after using Ketamine. They were all aware that they had been addicted to Ketamine, and were jeopardized physically and psychologically. C. Ketamine abuse offenders' history of rehab in private rehab centers: The 6 steps of rehab are self-awareness, replacement therapy, family support, medical treatment, support from rehab centers, and religion. D. The transformation courses of Ketamine abuse offenders in private rehab centers Finding another home: Interviewees felt being loved and accepted. They started to change (self-reflection and positive values), and made friends. They learned how to be a giver. Future plan: Interviewees started to think about their future life plan, and learned professional skills . They hope to build a happy family, and start a new life. They want to spend more time on their families, and hope to become a helper to others. Countermeasures to future dilemma: Keeping insistence, developing good habits, and seeking diverse supports. E. Suggestions for substance abuse prevention of the 3rd and 4th class drugs from Ketamine abuse offenders in private rehab centers Suggestions to penal provisions: Lectures or fines do not work a lot and waste time. Penalties should be heavier. The current rehab measures are not effective. Suggestions for prevention contents: group courses, labor services, learning to cherish life through taking care of vulnerable people, testimonies sharing, and promotion of knowledge of drug hazards. This study proposes 9 suggestions for Ketamine abuse offenders in private rehab centers, which are helping Ketamine abuse offenders to build a happy marriage and family, improving the resource network of their family functions, paying more attention to take care of students with deviant behaviors, helping teenagers to develop healthy recreation and habits, making more effort to help Ketamine abuse offenders back to school or to get job referrals, helping Ketamine abuse offenders to join positive peer groups, strengthening the application and support of community resources for Ketamine abuse offenders, building diverse treatment models based on social psychological treatments, and adjusting lectures about hazards of the 3rd and 4th class of drugs. These suggestions are presented as reference for related authorities and institutions when making treatments for Ketamine abuse offenders.


陳碧珍(2011)。宗教戒毒歷程中生命轉化與家人關係復和的探究。犯罪學期刊, 14(2),01-39。
