  • 學位論文


The Succession Problems of Traditional family business - A Case Study of C Company

指導教授 : 鎮明常


家族企業是一種普遍存在的組織型態,而家族成員彼此間,因血緣的關係,自然而然的存在著某種程度上的向心力和緊密度,這家族間情感的凝聚力,對於企業的經營具有正面的影響力,但不可否認,家族企業之經營模式也暗藏著許多危機;根據許多報導指出,家族企業能夠代代相傳、累世不墜者卻不多見。 而在這世代的交替,傳承者與接班人由於其生活背景、經歷之差異,孕育出不同的價值觀及思考模式,進而影響到在經營、理念及想法上的落差;接班者面對接班過程中的壓力,不僅僅只是接手上一代的傳統產業,更需在競爭環伺的市場中,尋求產業創新永續發展契機,也必須同時兼顧到與上一代的溝通及家庭的和諧。這家族與企業間重疊身份的,似乎也是暗藏著內部潛在的角色衝突。 而家族企業是如何在內部與外部環境的變化下,找到屬於自身企業的平衡點,順利延續企業之生命,正是本論文所欲探討的主要原因及動機。本研究即針對「C公司」家族企業的發展,以個案為例作為探討,進而從中探究及反思,就企業現況提出建議如下: 家族企業要能夠續性的發展,必須顧及到家族內部的和諧性及凝聚力,接班人必須深知公司內部的挑戰及氛圍,預期可能發生的衝突,從中排除及預防發生的可能性。而對於上一代成功的經驗或是人際關係的維持,尊重及虛心受教是必要的,且必須適時將內部新舊代之間的經驗融合,創造組織創新的能量,迎接瞬息萬變的挑戰。


傳承 家族企業 接班


Family businesses are a prevalent form of organization. Naturally there is a certain degree of solidarity and closeness among family members because of blood relationship, and the family cohesion has a positive effect on the family business. However, it cannot be denied that the model of family businesses hides a lot of crises. According to many reports, there is few family businesses which can be handed down from generation to generation without diminishing. In the alternation of generations, because of varied backgrounds and experiences, the predecessors and successors have different concepts of values and distinct thinking patterns, which influences their thoughts, ideas, and operation of the business. Furthermore, successors have to face a lot of pressure which is not only for taking over the traditional industries of the previous generations, but also for seeking the opportunity of industrial innovation and sustainable development in a competitive market. It is also pressure to take care of the communication with the previous generation and maintain family harmony. Consequently, the overlapping roles between family and enterprises may cause potential internal conflicts. The purpose of the present study attempts to explore how a family business strikes its own balance with the changes between internal and external environments and continues the business smoothly. This study aims to investigate the development of a family business, “C Company”, and probes into and reflects from it. The suggestions based on the business status are as follows. For sustainable development of family businesses, it must be taken into account to attend to family harmony and cohesion. In addition, a successor has to know the atmosphere and the challenges within the company and anticipate and exclude the possibility of conflicts. What’s more, a successor should also prevent the possible conflicts from being caused. In order to conquer the rapidly-changing challenges, it is essential to respect and modestly learn the previous generations’ successful experiences and the maintenance of interpersonal relationship. It is also important to timely integrate the experiences from old and young generations and to foster the energy of innovation.


Family businesses Succession


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Barry, B. (1975). The development of organization structure in the family firm.
