  • 學位論文


Researching Classroom Management by using Parent-Teacher Communication in Practical skill program in a Vocational Senior High School

指導教授 : 陳姚真


高職實用技能班導師以親師溝通進行班級經營之研究 摘 要   本研究採質性研究取向,以嘉義市某高職八位實用技能班導師為研究對象,使用觀察、訪談等方式蒐集資料,探討親師溝通之現況、困難及其因應,並綜合以上與班級經營之關係。經資料歸納與分析,結果如下: 一、親師溝通的現況 (一)溝通管道以電訪較多,親師聯繫函居次,而導師認為最佳親師溝通方式為    家訪。 (二)家長最常主動溝通的原因是親子關係不和諧;導師則為學生在校行為及常    規問題。 (三)親師溝通的內容多為孩子缺乏學習動機及家庭經濟問題。 (四)家長面對孩子課業問題的態度分為心有餘而力不足及態度消極兩類。 (五)遇到不友善或不講理的家長,導師常更換溝通對象或堅守立場;家長拒絕    溝通時,導師經常也拒絕溝通或釋出善意。 (六)五位導師認為親師溝通後,學生行為有改善;兩位認為改善與否要回歸家    庭互動及溝通;一位認為因人而異。 二、親師溝通的困難及其因應 (一)教師面臨的挑戰包括:家長直接將問題向上級反應或將管教寄託於導師;    及家庭經濟因素導致班務進行困難。家長反映之親子關係困境包含負面溝    通、民主與權威管教的失衡、孩子認為父母管教方式不當。 (二)導師所採用之因應方式包括提供經驗分享、請求行政支援、請求招生老師    協助處理、鼓勵家長多參加專業成長活動及以鼓勵代替責罵。 三、親師溝通與班級經營的關係 (一)受訪導師的班級經營理念皆重品德,技能為主,成績其次。 (二)親師溝通後,師生的變化包括改善、如常、因人而異及保持距離。認為師    生關係變好的導師有一位,關係如常或保持距離者各有兩位,認為因人而    異者有三位。 三、親師溝通後導師與家長的關係分為家長成為導師班級經營的助力、雙方為育   兒經驗的分享者及溝通後無任何作用三類。 關鍵字:實用技能班、親師溝通、班級經營


Researching Classroom Management by using Parent-Teacher Communication in Practical skill program in a Vocational Senior High School Abstract This research is focus on eight teachers of practical skill program in a vocational senior high school in Chia-Yi city, and the purpose is to discuss the situations, difficulties, solutions of parent-teacher communication and the relationships with classroom management by using observation, interview, the methods of qualitative approach. Some major conclusions were listed below: A. The situations of parent-teacher communication 1. Teachers often communicate with parents by using phones, and the parent-teacher letters are the second. And the teachers thought that the best way to communicate with parents was to visit them in person. 2. The reason parents communicate with teachers actively was about bad relationship between parent-kid; and the reason teachers communicate with parents actively was the behavior of students at school. 3. The subjects of parent-teacher communication were that students lack of learning motives and family financial status. 4. Regarding to students’ schoolwork, the attitude of parents was helpless and negative. 5. Teachers always change the persons when deal with unfriendly and unreasonable parents. And teachers also refused to communicate with parents or released goodwill when the parents refused to communicate with them. 6. Five teachers considered that students improved after communicating with parents; two thought that it depended on the interaction between parents and students; one said that it depended on students. B. The difficulties and solutions to Parent-Teacher communication 1. The challenges of teachers included that parents reacted to the supervisor directly or committed the whole disciplines to teachers. 2. The solutions teachers used included that provided their experiences to parents, asked for administration supports, asked for the teachers of student recruitment, encouraged parents to attend some professional development activities, and gave students more encouragements instead of blaming. C. The relationships between parent-teacher communication and classroom management 1. Teachers’ ideas of classroom management were that they valued morals of students, and the next were skills and schoolwork. 2. After parent-teacher communication, the relationships of teachers and students including improved, as usual, it depends and keep a distance. One thought that the relationship between teachers and students improved, two considered as usual and keep a distance, and three said it depends. 3. The relationship between parents and teachers included that parents become the helpers of teachers, childcare sharers, and useless after the Parent-Teacher communication. Key words:Practical skill program, Parent-teacher communication, classroom management




