  • 學位論文


Tea and Food Safety:The Case of Alishan Tea Industry

指導教授 : 李俊毅


摘要 本篇論文從食品安全的概念探討茶葉農藥殘留的檢驗標準,並以阿里山茶產業為實證討論的個案。儘管台灣的地理、氣候及環境非常適合茶樹生長,是世界有名的茶葉產區,所產製的茶葉更是馳名世界,台灣每年仍需大量進口茶葉。這除了與國人飲食習慣的改變導致茶葉需求增加之外,和台灣整體的貿易環境亦有相當關聯。在全球貿易自由化及市場開放趨勢下,因需求量大,而讓不肖廠商、業者在自由貿易低關稅的情況下,以投機的心理,進口劣等茶混充阿里山的高山茶賺取暴利,使茶農們經營面臨困境,此現象不僅會影響商譽、收入,也影響到消費者的食品安全。 台灣開放茶葉自由進口,而以越南茶為主。依衛生署的認定,市售包裝茶業中,只要有1%產自台灣,產地就可以標示「台灣」,因此國外進口劣質茶混充嚴重。因美軍在攻打越南時曾大量使用化學武器落葉劑(俗稱橙劑/Agent Orange),含有的不純物中,戴奧辛至今在土壤中所殘留的落葉劑濃度仍高,會影響免疫系統,嚴重危害到人體健康。 混充茶之所以難以杜絕,在於相關檢驗與檢疫法規或標準的不一。世界各國對於食品的農藥殘留以及其他衛生方面問題要求越來越嚴格,如何強化茶葉衛生安全,提高檢疫標準,滿足消費市場要求,是政府、茶業界、農民團體、茶農所必須共同面對及處理的問題。面對食品安全的問題,本文探討台灣茶產地證明標章及產銷履歷制度,並申論其不足之處。本文建議,非化學農藥、無汙染的生產模式,或許是對阿里山茶產業最好的方式,但這在現實面上仍有部分困難需要政府與業者一起克服。 關鍵字:茶葉、食品安全、阿里山茶、台灣茶產業、綠色農業


Abstract This thesis undertakes a perspective of “food safety” to explore the standards of pesticide residues in tea, with the tea industry in the Ali Mountain area being the empirical case. While Taiwan is famous for its tea and is an important place of production in the world, it still imports a substantial amount of tea from abroad. This not only is a result of growing domestic consumption, but also relates to Taiwan’s changing trading relations in the world market. With the trends of global trade liberalization and market opening, the huge demand for tea has prompted some manufacturers to blend cheap and low-quality imported tea with Ali Mountain tea for the purpose of making profits. Consequently, the reputation and profit of the industry, as well as the food security of the consumers, are deeply affected. Taiwan imports almost all of its tea supplies from Vietnam. Given that Taiwan’s regulation allows any packaged tea product to be labeled “Taiwanese” as long as it contains 1 percent of Taiwanese tea, the problem of adulterated tea is severe. Most crucially, during the Vietnam War the U.S. military forces used a massive amount of herbicides (known as Agent Orange), leaving a high level of dioxin in the soil. Dioxins are highly toxic and can damage the immune system, posing a serious threat to health. The difficulty in solving the issue of tea adulteration lies in the inconsistency of regulations and standards among nations. Nowadays states are setting stricter food safety standards with respect to pesticide residues. It is a common task for the government, farmers, producers and other associations to enhance food safety and raise the testing standards to meet the demand of the market. The thesis discusses the current certificate of origin and traceability systems in Taiwan, and points out their limits. It is suggested that organic farming, which is a way of farming that avoids using chemical fertilizers and pesticides, may be an alternative for the tea industry in the Ali Mountain area, although in practice there are some issues that need to be addressed by the government and the industry. Keywords: tea, food safety, Ali Mountain Tea, Taiwanese tea industry, green agriculture


Taiwanese tea industry Ali Mountain Tea food safety tea green




