  • 學位論文


Taiwanese Elderly Adults' Narrative Ability in Southern Min - A Study on Mean Length of Utterances

指導教授 : 蔡素娟 戴浩一


本研究旨在使用平均語句長度(Mean length of utterances, MLU)檢測台灣高齡者的言談敘事能力。高齡者的言談敘事能力於先前研究結果顯示年紀較長的參與者,其平均語句長度較短,證明平均語句長度能夠顯示高齡者年齡族群差異性的趨勢(Kynette & Kemper, 1986);教育程度越高的高齡參與者有平均語句長度越長的趨勢(Cheung & Kemper, 1992);不同的敘述類型同樣也會對高齡者平均語句長度造成差異(Kemper, Kynette, Rash, O’Brien, & Sprott, 1989)。因此本文研究主要探討三個議題:(一)年齡差異是否影響高齡者平均語句長度的表現?(二)教育程度高低是否影響高齡者平均語句長度的表現?(三)不同類型敘述是否影響高齡者平均語句長度的表現? 現代漢語平均語句長度的計算方法有語詞以及音節兩種指標計算(張顯達,1998),故本閩南語研究方法使用平均語句長度(語詞指標、音節指標)來檢測嘉義縣民雄鄉20位高齡參與者閩南語的個人生活經驗敘述及看圖敘述能力,除了敘述類型為控制變項外,參與者的年齡及教育程度亦為另二個控制變項,而無字圖畫書使用 “Frog, where are you?” (Mayer, 1969),進而使用國立中正大學成人語料庫拼音輸入程式2.0轉記所有語料(Ruan, Hsu, Myers, & Tsay, 2012),依語詞及音節兩項指標計算所有語料的平均語句長度(張顯達,1998),最後使用IBM SPSS statistics V.21統計軟體分析個人生活經驗敘述的1,000完整語句以及看圖敘述的1,671完整語句。 結果顯示:(一)個人生活經驗敘述,年齡於平均語句長度(音節)有顯著性,75-85歲參與者的平均語句長度(音節)多於65-74歲的參與者;(二)教育程度於看圖敘述的平均語句長度(語詞)、平均語句長度(音節)有顯著性,受過六年小學教育的參與者,其平均語句長度顯著多於不識字的參與者;(三)個人生活經驗敘述的平均語句長度(音節)與看圖敘述的平均語句長度(音節)有顯著差異,參與者於個人生活經驗敘述的平均語句長度(音節)的表現比看圖敘述的平均語句長度(音節)長。 根據上述結果,高齡者的口語表達能力似乎不會隨著年齡衰退,甚至更佳,例如在個人生活經驗敘述中,75-85歲參與者比65-74歲參與者的口語表達能力佳。而教育程度在看圖敘述的實驗當中為顯著因子,受過小學六年教育的高齡者比未受過教育的高齡者的口語表達能力佳,但在個人生活經驗敘述實驗中,卻無法從平均語句長度預測高齡者的教育程度高低。不同敘述類型對高齡者平均語句長度造成影響,高齡者於個人生活經驗敘述的口語表現比看圖敘述佳。


This study aims to make use of the mean length of utterances (MLU) to examine the ability of narrative of Taiwanese elderly adults. According to previous studies, firstly, older elderly adults’ MLU of narrative was shorter than younger, and which showed the tendency of different MLU produced by different age groups (Kynette & Kemper, 1986). Secondly, it showed the tendency that elderly adults with higher educational level produced longer MLU (Cheung & Kemper, 1992). And thirdly, the genre of narrative could affect significantly different MLU by elderly adults (Kemper, Kynette, Rash, O’Brien & Sprott, 1989). Thus, three major issues about this study are listed as the following. (1) Would age significantly affect elderly adults’ MLU? (2) Would educational level affect elderly adults’ MLU? (3) Would genre of narrative affect elderly adults’ MLU? The way of calculating MLU in Mandarin is based on words and syllables (Cheung, 1998). And the method of this study in Taiwanese Southern Min is to utilize MLU both by words (MLUw) and by syllables (MLUs) (Cheung, 1998), to examine the ability of 20 elderly adults, aged 65-85, from Minxiong Township in Chiayi County, in narrating their own experiences or stories and describing a story from wordless pictures in Taiwanese Southern Min. Besides the genre of narrative, the factors of age and education were manipulated, and the wordless picture book “Frog, where are you?” (Mayer, 1969) was used in the picture description. All the data were transcribed using the Adult-Corpus Romanization Input Program (Ruan, Hsu, Myers, & Tsay, 2012) of National Chung Cheng University, and IBM SPSS statistics V.21 was used to statistically analyze all the data, which amounted to 1,000 complete utterances from the narrative and 1,671 complete utterances from the picture description. The results showed (1) that age significantly affected MLUs in the narrative, and the older participants produced a significantly higher MLUs than the younger participants in the narrative; (2) that education level significantly affected MLUw and MLUs in the picture description, and the participants who had received six years of formal school education produced a significantly higher MLUs than the participants who were illiterate; and (3) that there was a significant difference between the MLUs of the narrative and the MLUs of the picture description, and the participants produced a significantly higher MLUs in the narrative than in the picture description. According to the results above, it can be inferred that elderly adults’ language performance may not undergo age-related decline. In some respects, the older participants’ language performance was even better than that of the younger participants. In addition, education level is perhaps a more significant factor in spontaneous picture descriptions than in narratives. The educated participants’ language performance in the picture description was better than that of the illiterate participant’s. However, education level may not predict a participant’s mean length of utterances in narratives.


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