  • 學位論文


The Research of Intergenerational Learning of Workforce about the Protective Social Workers in Kaohsiung City.

指導教授 : 陳毓璟


隨著高齡化時代的到來,國內外均面臨多元世代職場(multigenerational workforce)的現象,保護性社工領域也不例外。保護性社會工作服務對象從嬰幼兒、青少年、成人到老者,以生命安全為首要,並協助解決個案及家庭的問題,是一個高壓、高危險及低薪的職場環境,造成人力流失是普遍的現象,加上政府對社工人力需求之增加,快速提升新進社工人員專業知能是首要之計,此外面臨社工退休潮湧現,經驗傳承是重要且必然。在此現況下,不同世代的社工人員如運用自身的優勢,結合其他世代的長處,透過代間學習的理念及方式,以共同面對多元複雜、日新月異的家庭挑戰,是本研究所關注的重點。因此,本研究擬定三個目的: 一、瞭解保護性社會工作人員在職學習之現況。 二、瞭解不同世代之保護性社會工作人員職場互相學習之現況。 三、瞭解保護性社會工作人員對代間學習之看法,進而提出代間學習運用於保護性社會工作未來人力資源規劃之建議。 為能瞭解保護性社會工作人員的學習經驗,且進一步探究代間學習對個人及組織之影響層面,本研究採用質性研究法進行訪談,並透過立意抽樣的方式選取研究對象:分別自高雄市政府社會局家防中心及某一社會福利服務中心中,符合下列資格者:(一)B世代社工:出生於1946-1964年;(二)X世代社工:出生於1965-1980年;(三)Y世代社工:出生於1981-2000年。各中心以能同時抽樣到三個世代之社工員為原則。最後針對六位分屬三個世代之社工進行訪談。 透過本研究之實施獲得下列結論: 一、保護性社工在職場上面臨來自法令修改、環境體制、個案服務及社工個人因素所衍生的多元挑戰。 二、為因應職場挑戰,保護性社工在職學習方式有正規、正式及非正式三種,並且因世代而有所差異。 三、世代之差異顯現出保護性社工不同的學習特點。 四、保護性社工學習特點之差異影響代間學習面向。 五、代間學習可破除不同世代間社工對彼此原有的角色印象,促進世代間之認識,增加世代間之連結,交流及整合不同世代之觀點,並可增進自我期許,持續學習,進而肩負傳承及倡議改變的責任。 六、代間學習運用策略應從保護性社會工作制度、組織主管及保護性社工個人三面向來探討及擬定。 是以,本研究分別針對下列對象提出建議,以落實代間學習運用於保護性社會工作領域: 一、對保護性社工人員 1.培養「終身學習」觀念及習慣,以利因應職場需求。 2.強化自身學習特點,不吝分享讓不同世代能共同成長。 3.瞭解及欣賞各世代社工特質及優勢,善用並學習。 4.透過正式與非正式連結方式,交流及整合不同世代觀點。 二、對保護性組織主管 1.認知及重視「代間差異」,強化「代間學習」作為。 2.發展「代間分組」,促進世代共同合作。 3.創造組織「代間友善」氛圍及作為。 4.居中扮演連結角色,促進世代融合。 三、對保護性社會工作制度 1.爭取權益保障措施,激勵及表彰年長世代社工之貢獻。 2.營造互動式學習情境,建立學習資源分享平台。 3.發展代間輔導員制度,增進代間學習之影響力。 4.關注「多元世代職場」議題,作為進用保護性社工人力之考量。 四、對社會工作員養成教育 1.課程融入代間學習的理念,促進對不同世代間之互動與交流。 2.聘用「實務教師」,加強實務與學校教育之結合。


With the phenomenon of aging population in today’s world, the multigenerational workforce has become a global trend in recent years. Protective social workers are no exception. The protective social work service aims at a wide variety of range—from babies and children, teenagers, adults, to the elderly with the objectives as ensuring people’s safety and solving their personal or family-related problems. The working environment these social workers work in is highly-pressured, highly-risked, and low-paid; therefore, the turn-over rate is high. In the meantime, as the public sector has an increasing demand of social workers, it is of prime importance for junior social workers to enhance their professional skills and capabilities and for senior social workers to share their most-valued experience with the younger staffers before they retire. In other words, how could social workers employ their respective advantages, learn from other generations through “intergenerational learning”, and face the rising ever-changing, difficult challenges of this time and age? This study aims to understand the above phenomenon and resolve this problem. Therefore the three objectives of this study are as follows: 1. To understand the on-job learning condition of protective social workers; 2. To understand how protective social workers have learned from other colleagues of differing generations; 3. To understand what kind of opinions the protective social workers have held toward intergenerational learning. This study then proposes suggestions about employing intergenerational learning in the human resources program in the future. To understand the learning experience of protective social workers, and explore in what respects intergenerational learning has made impact for individuals and organizations, this study conducted interviews with qualitative research method, and selected the subjects of research through purposeful sampling. The subjects were selected from the Sexual Assault Prevention Center, Social Affairs Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government, and a social welfare service center: (1) B-generation social workers (born between 1946 and 1964); (2) X-generation social workers (born between 1965 and 1980) (3) Y-generation social workers (born between 1981 and 2000). The principle of this study was to select three generations of workers in each and every center at the same time. Finally, the interview is conducted with six belong to three generations of protective social workers. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Protective social workers faced a wide variety of challenges, ranging from the revision of laws and regulations, environment and official systems, case service, and personal factors. 2. Protective social workers have taken basically three types of on-job learning: formal education, official and non-official, which differ from generation to generation. 3. Differing generations have exhibited differing styles and traits of learning. 4. With different traits of learning, protective social workers of different age have displayed various intergenerational learning. 5. Intergenerational learning can break the old stereotypes, accelerate the understanding among differing generations, enhance the connection and exchange of generations, and help to increase self-expectations and stimuli for learning, so as to move toward inheritance and a better change for the future. 6. Intergenerational learning strategies should be formulated from the three respects, namely, the “system of protective social work,” “supervisors of an organization,” and “protective social workers”. The suggestions are provided for the following subjects in the hope that intergenerational learning can be more thoroughly applied to protective social work: 1. Suggestions for protective social workers: (1) To develop a conception and habits of “lifelong learning” and better respond to the demand of job market; (2) To enhance one’s self-learning and be broad-minded to share with others so all the staff of differing years of age can achieve growth; (3) To understand and appreciate the traits and advantages of social workers of differing generations; (4) To exchange and integrate viewpoints of differing generations through official and non-official networks. 2. Suggestions for supervisors of an organization: (1) To recognize and pay attention to the “intergenerational differences” and strengthen the deeds of “intergenerational learning”; (2) To develop “intergenerational grouping” and enhance cooperative efforts from all generations; (3) To create a friendly intergenerational atmosphere and strengthen such behavior; (4) To act as connective factor and help differing generations to incorporate into one. 3. Suggestions for the system of protective social work: (1) To strive for the rights of social workers and acclaim the achievements of the elder social workers; (2) To build an interactive learning environment and a learning platform for sharing; (3) To develop a system of intergenerational coaches, and enhance the influence of intergenerational learning; (4) To concern the topic of “multigenerational workforce” and consider the issue of multi-generational labor when recruiting new hires. 4. Suggestions for the development of social workers: (1) To incorporate the concept of intergenerational learning and enhance the idea exchange of differing generations; (2) To hire “practicing teacher” so as to achieve a balance of practice and formal education.




