  • 學位論文


State Terrorism—Case Study of Taiwan White Terror

指導教授 : 林泰和


國家恐怖主義是指國家乃施行恐怖主義的行為者,利用暴力工具,讓其人民成為國家暴力及恐嚇的受害者。國家恐怖主義與台灣白色恐怖的連結,則是國民黨政府,結合特務單位與白色恐怖時期之適用法令,形成暴力工具,對其人民加之以迫害。主要壓迫的對象,1950年代是在台之共產黨分子,1960年代後是台獨分子,主要目的為維護蔣氏政權於台灣的統治。 先前文獻對於台灣白色恐怖的研究,多從個案研究、國家建制、國家形成等方向,解釋台灣白色恐怖的成因,有別於以往以威權、獨裁的概念,研究國民黨政府在台灣之統治,本文將以國家恐怖的研究途徑,探究台灣的白色恐怖。綜觀台灣白色恐怖的形成原因,深受組織與資源、制度文化、國際影響、國內社會力量、外部現實建構等因素的交互作用影響,上述因素之互動,也是形成國家恐怖的動態過程。 為了鞏固蔣氏政權在台灣的統治,國民黨政府採用國家恐怖的統治手法,例如鎮壓、刑求、迫害等等,消滅異己,建構其理想的統治現實。台灣的白色恐怖,可視為國家對其人民使用恐怖主義的真實案例,本文透過國家恐怖的研究途徑,希望為台灣白色恐怖時期的研究,提供另一個新的視角。


State terrorism means that the state is the main actor who implements terrorism to its civilians by using violence as a tool. Its civilians become the victims of state violence and intimidation. The combination of intelligence apparatuses and White Terror Era laws is a violence tool using by KMT against its civilians, which establishes a link between state terrorism and Taiwan White Terror. KMT’s main targets of persecution are the Communists in Taiwan in the 1950s and the Taiwanese independence activists after the 1960s. KMT’s main purpose is to maintain the rule of Chiang Kai-Shek regime in Taiwan. Differing from the concept of case study, state-building and authoritarian, this dissertation will use the approach of state terror to study Taiwan White Terror. The five elements in the approach of state terror, organization and resources, institutional culture, international influence, domestic social forces and construction of external reality, implies that the formation of state terror is a dynamic process, which also explains the formation of Taiwan White Terror. In order to consolidate the rule of Chiang Kai-Shek regime in Taiwan and to eliminate the dissidents, the KMT government adopts the tactics of state terror, such as repression, torture and persecution against the civilians. Thus, White Terror in Taiwan shall be regarded as the case of state terrorism. Through the approach of state terror, this dissertation aims at providing a new perspective in the study of Taiwan White Terror.


