  • 學位論文


Using ERPs to examine the effects of negative emotional affect on inhibitory control in violent adolescents

指導教授 : 陳巧雲


暴力事件常常是因為情緒事件而引發,近來研究對於暴力行為的神經機制越感興趣,但情緒對於暴力行為的影響卻所知有限。暴力青少年常被認為缺乏衝動控制能力,本研究欲採用情緒性停止訊號作業及腦波儀,目的是想瞭解這些有暴力行為青少年如何解決情緒以及抑制控制上的衝突,觀察其行為表現及電生理指標。本研究之受試者篩選方式除了一句過去的犯罪史,亦採用反應性─主動性暴力行為問卷,來區分受試者之攻擊性類別與程度。本研究假設暴力青少年有較高的行為激發系統(behavioral activation system)活化程度,go反應時間應會變快。相反的,若是其行為抑制系統(behavioral inhibition system)功能較差,則停止訊號反應時間(stop signal reaction time, SSRT)應該會變慢,是抑制能力缺損的結果。本研究採用追蹤方式的情緒性停止訊號作業,實驗設計方式是透過對於go刺激有更快的反應速度和產生接近50%的抑制失敗錯誤率,在這樣的設計下,受試者需要投入更多的抑制控制來強烈的go反應傾向,而這對暴力青少年可能更加的困難。行為結果顯示暴力青少年犯組與對照組的go反應時間無顯著差異,實驗組的SSRT顯著地比對照組長,實驗組的抑制行為的能力可能較差。腦波資料也顯示,負面情緒下,實驗組在成功抑制時的N1高於失敗抑制時的N1,但控制組並無顯著差異,顯示暴力青少年需要投注了較多的注意力資源,才能抑制成功。控制組在負面情緒時的P3振幅顯著大於中性情緒,而實驗組並無顯著差異。本研究表明衝動型暴力青少年可能有抑制控制上的缺陷,這可能是由於情緒可調控投注在刺激上的大腦資源。與控制組不同,電生理資料顯示情緒性刺激並沒有調控衝動型暴力青少年抑制功能。


Interpersonal violent behavior is often induced by extreme emotional states. While there is increasing interest in the neurological bases of this behavior, the effects of emotion on such behavior are poorly understood. Repeatedly violent adolescents are often described as having impaired impulse control. In this study, an emotional stop signal task in conjunction with event-related potential (ERP) recording was used to examine the effects of negative emotion on inhibitory control in individuals with reactive aggression and in normal adolescents. The stop-signal task was used to examine inhibitory control in adolescents with impulsive violent behavior and compared to those without violent behavior. Subjects were categorized not only based on past criminal history, but also on Reactive Proactive Aggression Questionnaire scores. Impulsive violent behavior could be a consequence of either a greater tendency to generate pre-potent responses or a deficit in inhibition of such responses. Compared with matched controls, if we consider that violent adolescents may be characterized by higher behavioral activation system activity, the go RTs in the stop signal task for these individuals, a measure of impulsivity, would be expected to decrease. In contrast, if violent adolescents are characterized by lower behavioral inhibition system activity, the SSRT of violent adolescents, which indexes inhibitory control, might be expected to increase. Furthermore, the task design may cause the subjects to develop an impulsive response style characterized by faster reaction times to go stimuli and maintain close to 50% unsuccessful inhibited responses. In such a situation, the subjects would need to recruit more inhibitory control to overcome the stronger go response tendency. Results obtained showed that the SSRTs of impulsive violent adolescents were significantly longer than those of matched controls in the neutral emotion condition. The results of event-related potential analysis for the violent adolescents showed the N1 amplitude, an indicator of attentional engagement by the stimulus, for successful inhibition was higher than for failed inhibition trials in the negative emotion condition. This difference was not seen for the control subjects. The P3 amplitude for the emotional condition, an indicator of inhibitory ability, was higher than for the neutral condition only for the control subjects. This study shows impulsive violent adolescents may have deficits in inhibitory control as a consequence of engagement with the stimuli and which can be modulated by emotional information. Unlike controls, the emotional information produced no modulation of electrophysiological activity related to inhibitory control for violent individuals.


inhibitory control emotional stop signal task N1 P3


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