  • 學位論文


A Study of Duty of Disclosure of Insured in the Insurance Act–Centralized in Case Study

指導教授 : 羅俊瑋


據實說明義務之立法意旨主要係以誠信原則、對價平衡原則作為核心。法律之誠信原則起源於羅馬法,源於善意衡平。16世紀因義大利城邦間貿易熱絡,海上保險制度輾轉流傳至英國,於英國成長茁壯而成為現今之保險制度。於英國早期認為誠信原則為保險契約雙方當事人均應遵守,要保人應向保險人詳細告知與說明保險標的之各種情狀,以利保險人決定是否接受承保、釐訂保險費率及使用何種保險單條款。對價平衡原則要求要保人所交付之保險費與保險人承擔之風險應呈現對價。 本研究著重於投資型保險是否有保險法據實說明義務之適用、保險人就解除權之除斥期間知悉時間點之認定、保險事故與違反告知說明義務間之因果關係,因果關係舉證責任之分配,保險業務員管理規則對業務員之規範等議題。本文將彙整、歸納、比較、分析最高法院實務判決之爭點,期待作為各方之參考。


The foundation of duty of disclosure of insured in Insurance Act is good faith and price balance as the primary core. The legal principle of good faith originated in the Roman law. In the 16th century, due to prosperity of trade across cities, marine insurance transferred to England and thrived there, becoming the insurance system nowadays. In the early time, Britain believed that good faith shall be observed in the insurance contract between parties, where the proposer shall have the insurer a detailed description of a variety of situations incurred with the subject of insurance for the insurer’s determination of acceptance of the insurance, development of insurance rates and which policy terms and conditions shall be contracted therein. In the price equilibrium principle, the proposer is requested to present price balance between the delivery of the premium and the risks that the insurer shall bear. This study focused on the issues which including but not limited to the situation whether the investment-oriented insurance applies to obligations of duty of disclosure of insured in the Insurance Act, the insurer’s identification of the timing point in the scheduled period of the right of cancellation, the causal relationship between the insured risk and violation of the informed obligations, allocation of responsibilities in the proof of causality and the norm that management rules for the insurance salesman imposes on the salesman. This study will aggregate, induce, compare and analyze points of contention behind precedent judgments by the Supreme Court for references across parties.


