  • 學位論文


Head Shake or Scream? Media Coverage and Audience's Interpretations of Spring Scream.

指導教授 : 簡妙如


春吶作為老字號的音樂祭,或許是台灣許多獨立樂團的起點。春吶音樂祭背 後原本只是單純的一場音樂聚會,最終卻發展成數萬人朝聖的音樂嘉年華;然而 在 2006 年「春浪」加入了春節墾丁商機的競爭之下,各種模仿、盜用、偷學春 吶名字的活動陸續冒出,到最後讓大部分的人都混淆。在媒體不斷的渲染下,春 天吶喊成了毒梟、性的場域,春節的商機讓許多不屬於春吶的活動全都進駐墾丁, 人潮也不斷地湧入。但春吶在媒體論述中,卻成了所有活動的負面消息的箭靶, 當主流媒體開始報導春吶時,幾乎是以藥物濫用、性愛建構出春吶的形象,然而 主流媒體的錯誤報導傳遞給除了參與過、了解春吶的樂迷以外的多數閱聽人,也 對搖滾次文化再度裹上一層汙名化的棉襖。 本研究透過蒐集四大報的春吶相關報導,包括聯合報、自由時報、中國時報 及蘋果日報,從 1995 年到 2014 年的春吶音樂祭相關論述,,進一步用文本分析 解釋主流媒體之論述觀點所建構的春吶形象,並以台大 PTT 實業坊及臉書春吶 粉絲團作為網路田野觀察場域,以及研究者參與春吶的經驗為輔,試圖解析閱聽 人對於春吶報導的解讀差異。 研究發現,搖滾樂迷與一般閱聽人在接收媒體的過程中,主、被動的接收資 訊及主動的資訊蒐集能力,成了區辨一般閱聽人及搖滾樂迷的基本門檻,而對次 文化資本的掌握能力也相對的影響閱聽人對春吶想像的認知落差。在搖滾次文化 中的閱聽人,即樂迷、表演者等,對春吶想像的建構有著高度的權力;相反的, 多數的閱聽人只能倚靠主流媒體所提供的錯誤訊息來建構他們想像中的春吶。而 這些閱聽人對於媒體訊息的分析能力也成了區分次文化中,圈內人與圈外人的關 鍵差異,在春吶次文化場景中,圈內人形成一種「新部落」,傳達了一種「社群 感」,使圈內人擁有共同的價值觀,也反映出他們對春吶的情感連結與內部凝聚 力。


閱聽人 框架 春天吶喊 次文化


Head Shake or Scream? Media Coverage and Audience's Interpretations of Spring Scream Abstract As an old, legendary and classic music festival, “Spring Scream” might be the perfect start for many underground/indie bands in Taiwan. Spring Scream used to be nothing more but a simple music party for few people, but nowadays it has become a huge festival for thousands of audience. However, since 2006, another music festival held by mainstream media “Spring Wave” joined the list of Kenting Spring Festival, Spring Scream has been unfairly mixed with it or any other commercial event in Kenting. Due to the similarity of the features, Spring Scream could be connected with a campaign for drug/sex abuse. For people who attend to Spring Scream, it’s a pure pleasure for music only. But the media keeps misleading the mess into a myth that people who participate in such festivals in Kenting have more other intentions than just music. The media makes it seem like Spring Scream is the origin of all of these negative posts. Not onlyincluded many posts about Spring Scream from United Daily News and Apple Daily since 1995, by analyzing and interpreting the textual from mainstream media’s point of view for Spring Scream, this study reveals what’s underneath. Furthermore, this study also applies PTT and Spring Scream and Facebook fan page groups as an observation field, and the experience from the researcher. This study has found thatthe audience gradually has the ability to interpret the messages from media on their own. Through the Internet, people can circulate their own homemade products by themselves. They can also search for information what they are keen to know. However, this is only a small part of the audience, whichare thefans and performers of the rock subculture, they are “the insiders”. Most of the audience, so called “the outsiders”, can only rely on the wrong messages provided by the mainstream mediato construct the impression on Spring Scream in their mind. The outsidersare not able to fairly interpret what they read on the news nor can they develop their own opinions. They’re more likely to be entirely passive, and it keeps leading them to an incorrect way to receive the massages from the media. Keyword:Spring Scream, frame, audiences, subculture


audiences frame Spring Scream subculture


范麗娟(1994)。深度訪談簡介。戶外遊憩研究,7(2),25-35。doi: 10.6130/JORS.1994.7(2)3
