  • 學位論文


Discussion Between the EU and Taiwan Energy Security and Nuclear Policy From the Perspective of Sustainable Development

指導教授 : 蔡育岱


全球化帶動國際經濟的快速發展,在經濟快速發展的同時能源的使用量也隨之增加,同時也面臨到了許多能源問題。首先,由於目前所使用的化石能源都屬於一次性能源,無法回收再利用,所以在大量使用能源的同時,也漸漸面臨到能源枯竭的問題。其次,由於化石能源的生產地區不均,最大生產地區都位於中東地區,但由於中東地區的政局不穩定,長年都有戰爭發生,因此使得供應量與價格出現嚴重的波動。再者,因近幾年來化石燃料過度使用,排放過多的二氧化碳,造成全球氣候暖化日漸嚴重。而這些問題都嚴重地影響到了我們當代以及下一代子孫的生活空間,所以在經濟發展的同時如何讓能源可以「永續發展」將是我們很大的挑戰。   歐盟在「永續發展」上是國際上的先行者,並把永續發展的意涵「滿足當代的需求,同時不危害後代滿足其自身需求的能力。」視為總體目標,並從社會、環境以及經濟三個角度同時並進,制定相關的政策,最主要的目的就是為了要持續改善現今及未來世世代代在地球的生活品質及福祉。在能源安全方面,歐盟算是在國際上最早有明確規劃的,由於本身有以一半以上的能源必須仰賴進口,再加上氣候暖化帶來的影響,因此歐盟並制定了一系列的能源規範,而這些規範也會著國際的情勢有所調整。而在福島核災後,歐盟隨即以最快的速度對國內與鄰境國家的核電廠進行安全性檢測,並公佈相關的檢測資料,甚至有些會員國提出逐步廢核的政策,讓人民對於核電廠安全性的疑慮漸漸消失。 然而,對於臺灣在能源安全與核能政策上都面臨到了與歐盟一樣的問題,但在政策上的推行時,都無法達到人民的認同,在面臨到相關問題時也沒辦法有效率的提出政策來解決,所以本文最主要的目標就是希望臺灣可以以歐盟當一個借鏡,找出一個可以解決臺灣能源安全與核能政策的新方法。


核能 能源安全 永續發展 歐盟 台灣


Globalization has resulted in rapid economic growth all over the world. In the meanwhile, energy consumption has increased, leading to numerous energy problems. First, the currently used fossil energy sources are primary energy sources that are not renewable and reusable. As a result, the problem of energy decline gradually arose while plenty of energy was being consumed. Second, the production of fossil energy varies across regions, with the Middle East being the top producing region. However, the political instability and long-waged wars in the Middle East have caused serious fluctuations in the supply and prices of fossil energy. Moreover, the excessive use of fossil fuels in recent years has caused too many carbon dioxide emissions and gradually aggravated global warming. These problems seriously affect the living space of current and future generations. Hence, achieving sustainable development of energy while pursuing economic growth will pose a great challenge to us. The European Union is the world’s pioneer in sustainable development. It regards the meaning of sustainable development, which is “satisfying the needs of present generations without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to satisfy their own needs”, as its overall objective and has formulated relevant policies from three perspectives: society, environment, and economy, with the primary goal being to continuously improve the quality of life and well-being of current and future generations on Earth. The European Union is considered as the first one in the world to set up a clear plan for energy security. As the European Union depends on imports to meet more than half of its energy demand and global warming has brought about impacts, it established a series of energy standards which are adjusted according to international situations. After the Fukushima nuclear disaster occurred, the European Union carried out safety inspections on nuclear power plants in its member states and neighboring countries and released relevant inspection data in the fastest possible way. Some of the member states even proposed the policy of progressively abolishing nuclear power, thereby gradually eliminating their citizens’ concern about the safety of nuclear power plants. Taiwan faces the same problems as the European Union does in regard to energy security and nuclear power policies. Nevertheless, the government was unable to gain recognition from its people when implementing policies and failed to propose policies efficiently to address relevant problems. Thus, the primary purpose of this paper is to provide the example of the European Union for the Taiwanese government to find a new solution to energy security and nuclear power policies in Taiwan.


