  • 學位論文


Taboo Research of the Cou from Alishan

指導教授 : 江寶釵 浦忠成


禁忌可視為人的一種心理衝突。禁忌的功能就是透過文化環境平衡調合兩者,更隱微的功能是成就社會的期望。本研究的焦點在於鄒族文化場域內的禁例規範如何影響鄒族人的的生活形態,進而形塑鄒族自我的文化模式。貫以兩個主軸是:其一,在文化環境的影響下,探討鄒族擁有何種形態的禁例體系。其二,林林種種看似詭譎的鄒族禁例,探求其最可能的原始形成心理。 透過文獻的搜集與耙梳,並輔以田野間的參與觀察後,分析歸納鄒人的禁例形態,而有下列三點之認識:鄒族的日常生活禁忌亦與其特有的靈魂觀念有關;人生歷程的禁忌則可為各種身份的過渡變化時,提供保障;而神聖的禁忌目的在於人神溝通的目的下達到聖凡之間的隔離。 禁忌是一種根植於背景文化的心理傾向,阿里山鄒族的文化抉擇與模式即是在闡明禁忌文化、社會結構功能與生活型態三者關係間的相互影響與鞏固。禁忌對文化格局的捍衛,則是對鄒族族群文化中的聖凡、人我、男女與生死這四種文化關係間,起的逾越限制。另外鄒人的畋獵活動亦可視為是神聖關係的運用延伸,故知鄒族人對於食物的生產活動其懷抱的心態是謹慎而懷有敬意的。


原住民族 祭儀 禁忌 鄒族


Contraindication can be seen as one of the human psychological conflict. Taboo functions as a way to balance and blend both culture and environment together, more esoteric function is to achieve the society’s expectations. The main focus of this study is how the prohibitions of Cou cultural norms have affected their daily lifestyle, thereby the Cou shaping their own cultural patterns. The consistent with the two spindles are : First, explore what kind of prohibitions system that the Cou’s has under the influence of cultural environment. Second, based on the various seemingly treacherous of the Cou’s prohibitions, find out the reason that is most likely to be the origin mindset. Through literature collection and studies, supplemented by the field work observation, analyzed and summarized the prohibitions of the Cou, came out with these three understanding : The daily lifestyle taboos of Cou has special meaning with the idea of soul; the life taboos will provide protection for various identities when diversificationhappens; whereas the scared taboos aims to isolate the divine and the mundane communication. Taboo is a psychological tendency that must be rooted based on the cultural background, the Alishan Cou cultural choices and patterns are clarifying the relationships between the taboos culture, social interaction and the consolidation of structure and function. The defense of contraindications to cultural patterns are beyond the limit of Cou culture among God and human, self, men and women and life and death these four cultural relations. Besides, the hunting activity of the Cou can also be seen as one of the sacred action, hence, we can see that the Cou has a very cautious and respectful mind towards the foods.


Aboriginal Rituals Taboo Cou


關華山,〈阿里山鄒族男子會所Kuba的重構與變遷〉,《臺灣史研究》13卷1期 (2006.0),頁149-218。
一、 專書

