  • 學位論文


The Narrative Research of the Life Situation Prior to Disability of the Aging People in the Long Term Care Institute

指導教授 : 魏惠娟


由於老年期是人類生命中發展的最後一個時期,本研究從機構高齡者敍說其失能前的生活狀況,來瞭解個體未能活躍老化的因素,並希望藉以提供每一個逐漸老化的個體邁向活躍老化的參考。本研究採用質性取向之敍事研究法,並以半結構式訪談的方式,針對六位受訪者進行訪談。本研究主要研究目的分述如下: 一、探討高齡者失能前的生活習性。 二、探討高齡者失能前的社會關係(社會參與、社會學習)。 三、探討高齡者失能前的健康行為。 四、探討高齡者失能前的財務管理(金錢意識)。 透過訪談後針對所得資料進行分析,根據研究結果與發現,本研究將結論歸納如下: 一、 生活習性 (一) 保持規律的生活起居作息有益健康。 (二) 未能規劃晚年居住方式一旦移居恐將造成適應不良。 (三) 未能維持適當的飲食習慣將造成營養失調,容易造成跌倒可能引起失能。 二、 社會關係 (一) 缺乏持續的社會參與可能對新環境難以調適。 (二) 缺少有益身心靈的社會學習可能無法活潑老化。 三、 未能建立正確的健康行為 受訪者普遍未能養成下列的健康行為如: (一) 維持規律的運動習慣 (二) 健康促進的養生觀念 (三) 適當的飲食行為 (四) 保持愉快的身心靈 四、 不重視財務管理 受訪者個人財務價值觀如下: (一) 儲蓄觀念:仍有少數缺乏儲蓄觀念,身邊沒有存款。 (二) 養兒防老:認為子女可以奉養無須財務管理。 (三) 退休後無固定收入,仰賴子女照顧。 (四) 財產提早分配給子女,目前依賴子女照顧。 五、避免失能-追求活躍老化 一個活躍老化的社會先要有對活躍老化深入認知的人民,想達到活躍老化,不是等待退休、老了之後再來學習的事,或是提早到中年期來學習,因為活躍老化學習並非一年半載一蹴可及,不只個人,政府與政策也應加倍投入規劃,而且應該聽取專家學者的建議:『活躍老化學習認知,應該從小由教育著手,透過學習來擴大能量。』只有人人都知道活躍老化的重要性,方能有效降低失能的機率,國人才能預約一個有尊嚴、優質的『美好的銀髮歲月』。


Since old age is the last period in the development of human life, the study based on the narration of the life situation prior to disabilities from the elderly in the aging care institution to find out the factors of the failure in active aging; hence, to provide each aging individual reference toward active aging. This study adopts the narrative research in qualitative research orientation, and semi-structured interviews in the light of six interviewees. The main purposes of this study are as follows: 1. To explore the living habits of the elderly prior to disability. 2. To explore the social relationships (i.e. social participation and social learning) of the elderly prior to disability. 3. To explore the health behaviors of the elderly prior to disability. 4. To explore the financial management, namely the money consciousness, of the elderly prior to disability. Analyzing through the resulting data of the interviews, in accordance with the results and finding of the research, the conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: 1. Living habits (1) Maintaining regular routines of daily life is wholesome (2) The failure in planning the living way of later years may be maladaptive in migration (3) The failure in maintaining proper eating habits would cause malnutrition; and thus could easily cause falling and then disability. 2. Social relationships (1) Lack of sustained community engagement may result in difficulties adaptation to the new environment. (2) Lack of beneficial body and mind social learning may not be able to active aging 3.Tthe failure in establishing proper health behaviors Generally, the interviewees failed to develop the proper health behaviors, such as the following: (1) Maintaining a regular exercise habits - to delay the aging body. (2) The regimen concept of health promotion - to prevent the invasion of disease. (3) The proper eating habits - to improve stamina (4) To stay in good body and soul – to benefit personal health. 4. Not paying attention to financial management The financial values of the interviewees are as follows: (1) Concept of savings: few were still lack the concept with no deposits (2) Raising children for old age and believing that children can take care of them so there’s no need to have the financial management. (3) No stable income after retirement, and rely on children’s care. (4) Assigning the property to children earlier, and dependent upon children’s care currently. 5. There have to be people with in-depth knowledge of active aging in an active aging society first. Since reaching active aging is not a short-term process, instead of learning active aging in retirement or getting old afterward, or even to push it up to middle age in hopes to reach the goal, not only individuals but also governments and policies should double put into planning, and adopt the advice of experts and scholars as well: “cognitive learning of active aging should start from primary education, and broaden the capacity through learning.” Only when everyone knows the importance of active aging, can effectively reduce the probability of disabilities, and people can order “the wonderful silver-haired years” with dignity and quality.


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