  • 學位論文


Music festivals are utilized to realize the concept of indie music DIY– A Case Study of Beastie Rock Festival

指導教授 : 簡妙如


本研究欲討論台灣獨立音樂場景中,音樂節作為一種獨立音樂DIY實踐的現象,以2010年創辦的「巨獸搖滾音樂祭」為主要個案。藉由探究「巨獸搖滾音樂祭」的舉辦過程、參與者類型,以及所處當前台灣音樂節場景發展脈絡,分析「巨獸搖滾音樂祭」主辦者音地大帝的音樂節DIY實作,其背後代表的獨立音樂社群文化型態、特質及場景意義。   「巨獸搖滾音樂祭」的DIY實作,係由具有獨特個人行事風格的音地大帝,透過選定都會地區的場地,專業無償協力的樂團圈友人和志工,以及善用網路社群媒體的共同作用下,方能成功舉辦「巨獸搖滾音樂祭」。音地大帝整合角色固然重要,倘若缺少整個獨立音樂社群的相助,「巨獸搖滾音樂祭」的DIY實作亦無法成事。   而「巨獸搖滾音樂祭」的參與者,因為活動現場的樂團人數明顯多過純樂迷觀眾,加上後者也幾乎是熟面孔的情況下,整體氣氛偏向自家人同樂會。除此之外,「巨獸搖滾音樂祭」接納樂風各異或者團齡不一的樂團登台演出,並且保留一定比例的名額給新團及高中生樂團。音地大帝與台北樂團圈的緊密連結,形塑出「巨獸搖滾音樂祭」與樂團更為對等的權力關係。   「巨獸搖滾音樂祭」大抵揉合「春天吶喊」及「野台開唱」的音樂節元素,一方面回應普遍迎合市場需求的場景趨勢,另一方面也制訂明確可依循的遊戲規則。「巨獸搖滾音樂祭」的DIY,標誌出舉辦音樂節門檻已大幅降低。大體上,「巨獸搖滾音樂祭」尚處於發展階段,各方面都還有待可改善及彈性調整的空間,並且亟需探求能自負盈虧的出路。面對競爭越益激烈的音樂節市場,「巨獸」秉持實踐自身的目標和定位繼續前進。


This study aims to discuss the phenomenon that occurs in Taiwan’s indie music events while music festivals are utilized to realize the concept of indie music DIY. Example as Beastie Rock Festival was introduced to illuminate the cultural ideology, qualities and the meanings of scene hidden behind the indie music groups. Accordingly, the music DIY event of Indietaiwan(音地大帝) held in Beastie Rock Festival was analyzed and the investigation with respect to the preparation of the Beastie Rock Festival, types of participants, and its development in Taiwan’s current music events were also involved in this study. Indietaiwan which has been known by its distinctive styles made a considerable contribution to the success of music DIY event in Beastie Rock Festival. Through the choice of spot in urban area as well as the cooperation of non-profit professional bands, volunteers and those adept at social network, the Beastie Rock Festival was successfully held. In acknowledging the efforts from Indietaiwan, it is not deniable that the music DIY event could not be so completed without the timely support from independent music social groups. The whole atmosphere in Beastie Rock Festival was more like a family reunion since those who participated in this grand event were mostly from the bands not those who are fond of music. Furthermore, Beastie Rock Festival embraced diverse music styles or bands with divergent age groups. Some choices were left for the new bands or bands from high school. The close tie between Indietaiwan and the bands in Taipei has led to the r power relation between Beastie Rock Festival and bands. Beastie Rock Festival basically combined the music element between Spring Scream and Formoz Festival. On one hand, it resonated the general market demands, and on the other hand, it surely established a clear rule. From the music DIY event, it is noticeable that the music festival is now more approachable than ever. However, generally speaking, Beastie Rock Festival is still under development, therefore, more aspects needs improvement and more financial issues require adjustment. Nevertheless, Beastie Rock Festival is still moving forward with great faith and determination even when the competition is getting more fierce.


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