  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on the Intentional Behavior for Healthcare Consumers in Telehealth Care System

指導教授 : 黃維民


隨著台灣高齡化與疾病慢性化的影響,醫療保健費用逐年增加,為了能夠讓一般民眾能夠在最熟悉的家中或社區中獲得良好的醫療照護,因此我國政府推動了遠距健康照護相關政策。但目前大多數的研究仍是以科技面探討資訊系統的使用,而本研究則是結合了科技接受模式與健康信念模式去探討遠距健康照護系統之行為意圖,並納入信任特性,提出一個影響民眾遠距健康照護系統行為意圖之研究。 本研究採網路問卷調查,共收回284份有效問卷,並以統計軟體SPSS 20與SmartPLS2.0去驗證各變數間的假設關係及依變數間的解釋能力。研究結果發現使用者的社會信任會影響使用者的認知易用性與有用性,認知易用性會正向影響使用者的認知有用性與行為態度,認知有用性會正向影響使用者的行為態度與行為意圖,行為態度、知覺嚴重性、知覺行動利益與行動線索則會正向影響使用者的行為意圖。 關鍵字:遠距健康照護、科技接受模式、健康信念模式


With aging population and the impact of chronic disease in Taiwan, health insurance costs increased year by year. In order to allow people access to great medical care in familiar home or in the community, our government promote the Tele healthcare policies. Most of the research is put emphasis on the technology , but this study is a combination of technology acceptance model ,health belief model and trust, which probe the intention of Telehealth care system. This Study was developed to examine the factors that would affect TeleHealth care Consumers in Telehealth Care System usage attitude and intention. In this study, the 284 valid responds were collected via internet survey, and used statistic software SPSS 20.0 and smartPLS2.0 to test the relation of hypothesis and the explanatory power of dependent variables. The results showed that ease of use and usefulness was affected by social trust, perceived usefulness was affected by ease of use, user's attitude was affected by ease of use and perceived usefulness and Intention was affected by perceived usefulness, perceived seriousness, perceived benefits and cues to action. Keywords: Telehealth care, Technology acceptance model, Health belief model


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