  • 學位論文

大陸企業/家與台灣的媒體再現— 阿里巴巴與馬雲在台灣的媒體形象建構

指導教授 : 羅世宏


隨著阿里巴巴集團不斷發展壯大直至其在美國上市,阿里巴巴集團和其領導人馬雲也逐漸被台灣的媒體所重視。 本研究通過三大雜誌對馬雲和阿里巴巴形象再現的分析,發現在有關於馬雲個人形象的再現上,三者採用的論述框架較為一致,都選擇從馬雲個人的經歷出發,到其經營之道。《天下》和《商業週刊》都傾向於從正面的角度去塑造馬雲,而且在塑造人物形象上會採用描述其行動和引述第三者評價為主要方式,而且都採用直接宣導其身上優點的方式,而不是如《今週刊》在分析馬雲個人經歷時所採用的「克服困難」的框架模式。 在阿里巴巴集團再現部分,《天下》雜誌在報導阿里巴巴如何被評價時遵循了前面所提及的財經雜誌的一個固定框架:雖然很好,但仍有不足。而《今週刊》對阿里巴巴的報導比較偏向於防衛姿態,在其形象塑造上將其與馬雲自私、專權的一面結合起來,對阿里巴巴的前景也不看好,連最後阿里巴巴在美國上市也是用《內憂外患 迫馬雲急赴美上市 》這樣的標題。可見《今週刊》在意識形態認同上仍然處於一種排斥的狀態。


With the Alibaba Group has grown in strength until its listing in the United States, Alibaba Group and its leader Ma gradually being valued by Taiwan's media. In this study, the analysis of the three magazines of Ma and Alibaba image reproduction, Ma found on about personal image reproduction, discusses three adopted more consistent framework, Ma chose from personal experience, to its management of the Road . "The World" and "Business Week" tend to shape a positive light Ma, and in shaping will use to describe its actions and cited a third party evaluation of the main characters on the way, and are using the advantages of direct advocacy of its body , rather than as "This Week" Ma personal experience in the analysis used "to overcome the difficulties" frame mode. In the reproduction of Alibaba Group section, " The World" magazine, in reporting how they are evaluated Alibaba follows the previously mentioned financial magazine a fixed frame: Although good, but is still inadequate. The "Business Today" reported on Alibaba biased in favor of defensive posture, in its image-building will be combined on one side with Ma selfish, autocratic, Alibaba's prospects are not good, even the last Alibaba listing is in the US with "internal and external forcing Ma urgency the United States market," such a title. Visible "This Week" ideological identity is still in a state of exclusion.


卜睿哲(2013)。《未知的海峽: 兩岸關係的未來》。臺北:遠流。

