  • 學位論文


The Effect of Social Perceived Risk and Consumers’ need of Self-Affirmation on Consumers’ Willingness to offer Negative Word of Mouth

指導教授 : 蘇宏仁


口碑傳播一直以來被認為具有廣大的傳播及影響效果,且負面口碑的影響力遠超過正面口碑。對企業而言,瞭解消費者的口碑傳播意願之影響因素有其必要性。而網路社群的盛行改變人們使用網際網路的型態,透過網路社群可以維繫社交關係,且獲取資訊的同時也可以將資訊傳播出去,進而影響口碑的傳播模式。雖然近幾年開始有學者專注於傳統口碑及社群網站上的口碑進行探討,但對於社群網站上的口碑研究還是較少。因此本研究探討社會認知風險及自我肯定需求對傳統負面口碑及社群網站負面口碑的傳播意願之影響。 本研究以實驗法及問卷調查法的方式進行,結果顯示社會認知風險對傳統負面口碑的傳播意願無顯著影響,而對社群網站負面口碑的傳播意願則有顯著差異,且社會認知風險程度越高,其對社群網站負面口碑的傳播意願則越低,而自我肯定需求則對傳統負面口碑及社群網站負面口碑之傳播意願皆無顯著影響。研究結果可提供行銷人員降低消費者的負面口碑傳播對企業的影響力。


Word of Mouth has been regarded to have significant effect on communication, and the influence of negative word of mouth is more than positive word of mouth. Hence, it is crucial that realize what factors will influence consumers’ willingness on word of mouth. The popularity of social sites transforms the type of Internet which people use, and consequently influence the communication way of word of mouth. Although there are some researchers pay attention on traditional word of mouth and electronic word of mouth on social sites, we still have a limited understanding of how electronic word of mouth on social sites differs from traditional word of mouth. Therefore, this study proposes that the effect of social perceived risk and consumers’ need of self-affirmation on consumers’ willingness to offer negative word of mouth which differentiates between traditional word of mouth and electronic word of mouth on social sites. This study conducted experimental design and questionnaire survey. The result of experiment reveal that social perceived risk are not significant in traditional negative word of mouth, but have significant effect on electronic negative word of mouth on social sites. And consumers’ need of self-affirmation is not significant neither in traditional negative word of mouth nor electronic negative word of mouth on social sites. The findings provide managerial implications for marketers to reduce the effect of consumers’ negative word of mouth on companies.


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