  • 學位論文


Metonyms and Metaphors in Yami Bible Translation

指導教授 : 何德華


本文旨要探討雅美語新約聖經的四福音書,在面對不存在於自身語言或者難以理解的聖經辭彙概念時,其翻譯上會如何詮釋,並從中了解雅美文化如何影響譯者的思維認知,進而影響雅美語聖經的詞彙譯文之建構。 雅美語是南島語言的菲律賓語支(何德華、董瑪女,2006;董瑪女、何德華、張惠環,2012),該語言使用族群居住於臺灣東南外海的蘭嶼。在雅美族裡,雅美語聖經是族人唯一共同使用閱讀率最高的讀物,但鮮有學者以雅美語聖經為本,並從認知語言學的角度探究雅美語聖經的種種現象,故本文以雅美語聖經為語料來源,並將研究範圍集中在新約聖經的四福音書上,同時採用認知譬喻的相關理論(含Radden & Kovecses(1999)和Ungere & Schmid (2008)的轉喻理論)來分析雅美語四福音書中的詞彙翻譯之轉喻和隱喻現象。 研究結果發現,雅美語遇到缺乏原聖經欲指涉的事物概念時,除了直接借用外來詞外,雅美語聖經譯本最常使用已存在雅美語的甲事物之稱呼,來代替複雜且不存在於雅美語的乙事物之概念,且在該項替代過程,通常牽涉轉喻(metonymy)(含一般性轉喻和象徵性轉喻)。舉例來說,「kanekanen」是以食物代表筵席、「haneng(油)」轉喻香膏還有「baka(牛)」轉喻驢子。而這些譬喻性思維也都深受雅美文化的影響,並且依循兩個大原則下有規律的運作著。首先,用來取代他物的甲和被他物取代的乙,兩者間必定具有某種相似性,該相似性可能是外在形式、功能或者本身的內在特性。第二,用來取代乙概念的甲事物,絕對是雅美族人認識的。最後,本研究亦討論芥菜種、麵酵、與牛驢等隱喻的例子。 雖然語言本身有著極大的差異,在翻譯的過程中也因為文化差異而有譯文上的區別,但透過某些翻譯策略,使不同譯文間,最終達到語意功能上的對等。最後,此研究有系統性地建構聖經翻譯之隱喻的跨文化理解模式,盼能提供進一步研究瀕危語言知識本體的未來方向與藍圖。


This study aimed to investigate the four gospels in Yami Bible translation to examine how the Yami Bible interprets complicated concepts which are not present in the Yami language system, and also seek to understand how Yami culture influences the structure of metaphorical concepts. Yami is a language in the Philippine branch of the Austronesian language family (Rau & Dong, 2006; Dong, Rau, and Chang, 2012). The native speakers of Yami dwell on Orchid Island, which is off the southeastern coast of Taiwan. Yet, the Yami Bible (New Testament) is the only literature in common use among the Yami, but few scholars have investigated the metaphorical phenomena from the perspective of cognition. Thus, this study used the Yami Bible as our data source, narrowing the research scope to the four gospels. The study adopted Radden & Kovecses (1999) and Ungerer & Schmid’s (2008) metonymy theory, and Fauconnier & Turner’s (2002) conceptual blending theory to analyze the metonymys and metaphors in Yami bible translation. The results reveal that when one concept in Chinese or English may have no lexical representations in Yami or vice versa, translators usually employ two strategies. The first strategy is borrowing. The second strategy is using an existing Yami lexical item in place of the concept not in Yami. Also, the substitution often relates to metonymy (including common metonymy and symbolic metonymy). For example, the illustrations of common metonyms are ‘haneng,’ ‘oil’ to indicate ‘perfume,’ ‘kanekanen,’ ‘food,’ to stand for ‘banquet.’ Symbolic metonyms are ‘baka,’ ‘ox,’ to indicate ‘donkey.’ In addition, examples of metaphors using mustard seeds, yeast, cows and donkies were also discussed. We found that the Yami Bible follows two principles when using A (a familiar concept or thing) to replace B (an unfamiliar concept or thing). First, A and B must have some similarity, which might lie in their forms, purposes, or internal characteristics. Second, the Yami people must be familiar with A, which is used to substitute for B. Finally, the paper systematically constructs a cross-cultural comprehensive model of metaphor in Bible translation, and hopes to provide a blueprint for further studies of the ontologies of endangered languages.


何德華、董瑪女(D. Victoria Rau & Maa-neu Dong) (April 2006)。達悟語:語料、參考語法、及詞彙 (Yami Texts with Reference Grammar and Dictionary)。中央研究院﹕《語言暨語言學》專刊A-10。(NSC91-2411-H-126-013-MD)。
