  • 學位論文


Research on the mechnism how windows recover from the sadness resulted from the death of their husbands

指導教授 : 林麗惠


本研究旨在探討喪親後之喪親高齡婦女,處於哀悼過程中,基於喪親的衝擊所引發個體的悲傷反應,以及透過參與社會學習活動的過程中,調適轉移悲傷,最後得以自我重建生命經驗的整體歷程。因此,本研究之研究目的:一、瞭解喪親高齡婦女在喪親後之悲傷反應;二、探討喪親高齡婦女悲傷調適之影響因素;三、探討促進喪親高齡婦女悲傷調適之相關策略;四、探討喪親高齡婦女悲傷調適之促發因子:五、提出協助喪親高齡婦女悲傷調適之具體建議。 基於上述之研究目的,本研究採質性研究之深入訪談法蒐集資料,經過資料分析其重要結論: 一、不安、無助是急性悲傷期的初始階段悲傷反應;二、獨居會導致喪親者自身的脆弱度近而影響其悲傷反應;三、悲傷轉換期對悲傷反應形式形成的關鍵在於個體對死亡事件的接受度;四、積極自信的獨立能力是喪親者面對悲傷調適主要的助力;五、影響悲傷調適主要的阻力來自於偏差的認知行為;六、臨終道別概念尚未普及化;七、對內提昇正向信念的思維,其目的在於提昇喪親者自我調適能力;八、對外尋求社會支持是轉移悲傷重要的方法;九、社會支持對喪偶者因情感性失落的支持助益性較小;十、參與社會學習活動對喪親者的助益性;十一、安身立命活在當下。 根據上述研究結論,本研究針對喪親高齡婦女提出具體之建議: (一)為緩衝因喪親的衝擊而產生不安與無助的悲傷情緒,喪親高齡婦女宜積極的尋求親子的同住與陪伴 (二)為減輕影響悲傷調適的阻力,喪親高齡婦女宜提昇正向信念的思維 (三)為提升老有所用的原動力,喪親者宜多參與社會活動來維持健康老化 (四)為因應現實世界的變化,喪親高齡婦女宜提昇自我獨立的能力 以及針對喪親者之子女;相關參與機構與高齡教育機構和對未來研究等提出相關建議與參考。


調適 喪親 悲傷反應 高齡婦女


In this paper, we would like to study how senior widows recover from the death of their husbands, including how they rebuild their real self-esteem by participating social learning activities. Therefore, this paper would focus on the following issues, including (1)understanding the reaction of widows to the death of their husbands, (2)figuring out the factors that have an influence on how the widows recover from the sadness resulted from the death of their husbands, (3)reviewing the policies that help widows deal with such sadness,(4)studying the factors that stimulate widows to deal with such sadness, and (5)proposing the solutions how to help widows to deal with such sadness. Based on the analysis of opinions gathered by interviews and secondary resources, the following conclusions are proposed. First, restlessness and helplessness are typical reaction at the beginning. Second, living alone makes widows more week and then have a negative influence on their reaction. Third, the acceptance of the death of their husbands plays an important role on how they deal with such sadness. Fourth, active confidence and independence is the key factor that helps widows to deal with such sadness. Fifth, the obstacles to prevent widows recovering from such sadness mainly result from the deviated recognition and behaviors. Sixth, it is still not common in our society that people shall treat the death peacefully. Seventh,thinking positively will do good to the ability of widows to deal with such sadness. Eighth, looking for social supports is an important method to deal with such sadness. Nineth, social supports have little influence on widows emotional sense of loss. Tenth, participating social learning activities does good to widows. Eleventh, living as God plans. Based on the above conclusion, the following suggestions are proposed. First, to deal with the Issues of restlessness and helplessness, widows shall live with thier childrens. Second, widows shall think positively to overcome the obstacles that will prevent them from recovery from such sadness. Third, widows shall participate social learning activities to lead a healthy lifestyle. Finally, widows shall improve the independent ability.


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