  • 學位論文


A Study of Operation Performance Evaluation for University Stadia Case of National Chung Cheng University

指導教授 : 廖俊儒


本研究旨在藉由平衡計分卡探討國立中正大學體育館之營運績效。透過顧客、財務、內部程序及創新與學習四大構面的10個驅動因素中的37個行動指標,針對中正大學體育館進行績效評估,研究執行時間自103年10月1日至104年6月30日止。在顧客構面上以問卷調查方式來對入館使用人員進行施測,以了解其使用滿意度;而財務、內部程序及創新與學習這三構面則以半結構訪談方式來對個案內部主管、行政人員進行深度訪談後再予以評分,以了解各行動指標達成程度高低。 所得研究結果發現如下,國立中正大學體育館在: 一、顧客構面中,入館使用人員對訪查場地開放時段滿意度、增進顧客使用意願、 良好空間規劃、防護器材設置、維護場地清潔衛生、重視安全管理等6個行 動指標,呈現高度滿意,顯示其在顧客面向具有正面的績效。 二、財務構面中,管控人事成本、估算場地維護成本、編列年度預算、適切的訂 價策略、促銷有價活動、開發客源、訂定經費收支稽核制度、審核年度預算、 編製各項財務報表等9個行動指標,得分較高,顯示其在財務面向具有正面 的績效及較佳的表現。 三、內部程序構面中,成立營運專責單位、規劃分層分工制度、明示組織願景、 聘任專業員工、建立標準作業程序、建立資料管理系統、設置服務網站等 7個行動指標得分都獲得高分,顯示其在內部程序面相具有正面的績效。 四、創新與學習構面中,提升運動風氣、塑造良好社會形象、開發服務內容、創 造運動生活環境,4個行動指標亦都得到高分,顯示其在此構面具有正向績 效。


The purpose of this study was to utilize the balance score card (BSC) to evaluate the operation performance of gymnasiums of National Chung Cheng University. On the basis of four major dimensions, i.e., customers, finance, internal orders as well as innovation and learning, ten key driving factors, including 37 operative indicators, were evaluated. The evaluation period was formally from October 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. In order to thoroughly evaluate the performance, data were collected using two designed instruments. For the dimension of customers, face-to-face questionnaire was conducted, whereas in-depth interviews were conducted to collect the data of the other three aspects from the operating officers and administrative staff. Findings for the university gymnasiums of the National Chung Cheng University are listed as follows: 1. As for the dimension of customers, consumers evaluated high satisfaction on the six operative indicators, including “open time”, “promote utility rate”, “good space plan”, “protective equipment”, “keep the environmental sanitation” and “value the safety administration”, indicating the studied gymnasiums receiving positively high performance from the aspect of customers. 2. Most of the operative indicators of the financial dimension received higher scores. They are: “administration of personnel expense”, “estimate the space cost”, “prepare annual budget”, “price fixing appropriate”, “promote worthy activity”, “develop the source of guest”, “set up the system of financial auditing”, “prepare annual budget for auditing” and “prepare every financial form”. These indicators were superior to the other operative indicators in terms of financial performance evaluation. 3. Operative indicators of “set up a specific unit of operation”, “set up a division of labors and level system”, “show the desire of organization clearly”, “engage the special staff”, “set up a standard operation order”, “set up a system of information management” and “set up a service website” achieved high scores, which demonstrates their positive performance in the dimension of internal order. 4. For the last dimension of innovation and learning, scores of the four operative indicators, “promote the atmosphere of sports”, “set up a good social image”, “develop the service items”, and “create an environment of sports life”, are high, which indicates these aspects possess positive performance among other related operative indicators.


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