  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study on the Supervisory System of Future Trade Markets in Taiwan and Mainland China - Focusing on the Regulation of Futures Trader Personnel

指導教授 : 王志誠


隨著兩岸金融的國際化,金融監督管理委員會於民國104年3月18日修正臺灣地區與大陸地區證券期貨業務往來及投資許可管理辦法第十六條,中國大陸正式開放臺灣地區證券商符合中國大陸主管機關規定者,得由臺灣地區證券商或其第三地區子公司向兩岸主管機關申請許可,在大陸地區參股投資證券公司、證券投資基金管理公司或期貨公司,證券期貨業兩岸之服務貿易障礙自此展開新局。 中國大陸對臺灣既已許可臺灣在大陸地區參股投資期貨公司,研究兩岸人員管理,對於國內期貨業者的幫助,是有助我業者至大陸發展,帶動我業者業務商機,而大陸方面放寬國內證券業者投資大陸地區期貨機構之持股比例及經營業務範圍部分,將有助於業者拓展大陸市場更有利的經營條件及實質業務開展,活化資金效能、增加獲利來源,並促進其國際化;至於允許臺灣金融業者以人民幣合格境外機構投資者(RQFII)方式投資大陸資本市場部分,則不在本研究之討論範圍。 此外,大陸地區證券期貨市場規模甚大,若能進行兩岸證券期貨業務交流與合作,可促進雙方市場共榮發展,而我證券期貨從業人員增加隨公司前往大陸地區發展的機會,促進人才的交流。 因此對於瞭解雙方期貨經營之法令規章及合規作業已刻不容緩,期貨人員管理作業更是不能輕忽,在資格認定、資格考試、人員培訓,如有不慎即可能輕則罰款、撤銷登記,重則喪失董事席位及經營掌控權,因此必需加以深入瞭解,以防止不必要之錯誤發生,在研究得知,中國大陸方面對於董、監事之管理與臺灣差異極大,首席風險官更是臺灣所沒有之編制,其選任及任命尚需經中國證監會審核並同意,與臺灣期貨商法人可隨時撤換董事代表人,顯然有所不同。因此期望臺灣與中國大陸能對相關法規命令、資格及考試認定可做適度之整合與調整,如能在培訓與訓練上兩岸多所交流,則雙方必可互通有無,共創亞太期貨榮景。


培訓 測驗 考試 資格 人員管理 訓練


Along with internationalization among financial industries across the Taiwanese Strait, Supervisory Commission officially amended the Article 16, Laws of Management on Securities and Futures Businesses and Licenses for Relevant Investments between Taiwan (R.O.C) and Mainland China (P.R.O.C) districts by 18th of March, 2015. Since then, the China government officially approve to let securities firm or its sub-company in third area and which meets provisional conditions from China authorities, apply license from authorities of either Taiwan or China government, and it can legally invest in securities or securities & fund management companies in China district.And there is a whole new breakthrough for the obstacles on services for securities and futures industries over the Taiwanese Strait. Now since the China government has already approved Taiwanese capitals to invest in securities and futures companies in China district, studying on the benefit on domestic futures businesses by personnel management will indeed help our businesses developing in China and increase the business opportunities for our industries.The flexibility on shareholding for futures organizations in China by our domestic securities businesses will help our businesses to develop more ideal business conditions and real opportunities; this will also activate performance of fund, increase sources for profitable opportunities and improve our internalization. Yet, as to that China government allows Taiwanese financial industries to invest in China’s capital market as a RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (aka RQFII), it is not one of the topics in this study. Besides, since the securities and futures market in China is considerably large, if we can practice a communication between securities & futures businesses from China and Taiwan, it will lead to a win-win prosperity for markets in both sides.And it will also improve the communications of talents across the strait by our personnel among domestic securities & futures industries gradually starting to work in China district. Therefore it is our priority to understand laws and regulations for operating futures businesses among Taiwan and China districts; and the management upon futures personnel is also something can’t be ignored. Among processes such as qualification, examination and personnel training, a slight ignorance can lead to a fine or revocation of registration, and when it is serious, the right of control and operation on the board can be taken away; so a well in-depth understanding of these regulations is required to prevent any unnecessary mistake.From our result of study, we know that there are huge differences on management styles for chairmen and supervisors in China and Taiwan, and the position Chief Risk Officer is something we never heard in Taiwan. The election and nomination needs to be reviewed and approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission, and this is very different from that Taiwanese futures businesses and legal persons can replace the legal representatives any time.Therefore, we all look forward to appropriate integrations and adjustments made by the Taiwan and China governments on relevant laws, regulations, qualifications and examinations. If we can communicate more with the China government, we can exchange our experiences and make us stronger to build a brighter prosperity for futures industries in Asia-Pacific district together.


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4. 趙興偉,兩岸公司清算制度之比較研究,國立中正大學會計資訊與法律數位學習碩士在職專班碩士論文,2014年7月。
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