  • 學位論文


Two Focuses of the Study on the Forest Economy in Taiwan under Japanses Rule: Trading Network and Management

指導教授 : 楊維真 林燊祿


日治時期臺灣森林分為國有林、公有林、私有林三種類型,根據1933年臺灣總督府的統計,臺灣私有林僅佔約10%(25萬餘甲),公有林不到2萬甲(佔0.79%),剩下皆屬於國有林面積(佔近90%)。因此日治時期臺灣森林資源是掌控在政府手中而須接受政府林業相關政策管理。 臺灣山區的森林資源在完成土地調查後,雖引進日系資本卻因為原住民問題,無法使之成為獨佔資本,反而是以國家資本(營林所)形式進行產業經營。在資本與產業經營關係上,國家資本的累積目的是為增加國庫收入,也就是說官營企業透過國家金融的支持,形成一種自我滿足的生產與流通體系:專賣體制、統制體制、官營官售或官營民售等。 本研究第一面向將利用日治時期臺灣貿易與林業統計資料,以解決商品結構與網絡的問題。因日治時期臺灣木材經濟是屬於公賣制度,也就是木材商品的經營與販售受到政府法令的相關規範。在某種政策程度上,足以反映出日治時期臺灣山林的問題是否具有「殖產」開發概念,以適度釐清臺灣總督府「殖產/理蕃」政策思維;並透過貿易網絡與官營販售過程,理解日系與本地資本累積的脈絡。 第二面向以營林所為主的「官營販售中心」,使國家資本與民間資本在社會關係上構成一種特殊的關係:民間資本是寄生在國家資本內而成長,也就是「公、私」或「官、民」關係。公賣制度結構中的營林所、指定代理商及許可商的販售關係,是否因日本推進資本主義發展,其國家資本支配力量不同或轉化,而出現不同資本結構的「經營模式」。 希冀藉由上述日治時期臺灣林業貿易與經營兩面向的研究,提供日後探討後進型日本資本主義殖民臺灣的經濟特殊性時,能關注臺灣本地資本的存在性而進一步呈現出臺灣人在日本統治下的另一歷史樣貌的客觀性與主體性。


In Taiwan under Japanese rule, the forests were categorized into national forests, public forests and private forests. According to the records made by the Taiwan Government General in 1933, among all forests in Taiwan, the private forests accounted for around 10% (more than 250 thousands hectares), the public forests were less than twenty thousand hectares (0.79%), and the rest were national forests. In could be concluded that in Taiwan under Japanese rule, the forests resources were controlled by the Japanese government and must be subjected to the forestry policies. After completing the land surveys of forests resources in mountainous areas, although the Japanese capitals were introduced, they were introduced as non-monopolistic due to the Aboriginals issues. Instead, the Forest Office managed the forests resources with national capitals. In the relationship between capital and industrial management, the aim to accumulate national capitals was to increase the revenues of the National Treasury. That was, with the government’s supports, the national-owned industries had formed a self-sufficient system and had became a monopoly regime, a controlling structure, and a government-owned with government-marketed industry or a government-owned with civilian-marketed industry. In the first part of the thesis, I use the trading and forestry statistics in the Japanese ruling period to explain the issues of commodity compositions and networks. During the Japanese ruling period, the forest economy was a government-marketed system, which meant that the management and marketing of the wood commodities were both governed by the laws and regulations. The policy in some ways was sufficient to determine that if the Taiwanese forests fitted the concept of “productive industries” development in the Japanese ruling period, in order to clarify the purposes of the Taiwan Government General’s policy of “productive industries/ruling barbarians.” In the second part, I focus on the government-run distribution center, mainly the Forest Office, which results in a special relationship between the national capitals and the civilian capitals. The civilian capitals depended on the national capital to develop, so it had formed a subtle correlation between the government and the private enterprises. The Japanese government encouraged the development of capitalism, thus changing and transforming the distributions of the national capitals, and I would argue that under this government-marketed structure, the selling relationships among the Forest Office, the designated agencies and the authorized distributors had developed a different operational structure. With the study of the forestry trading and marketing during the Japanese rulng period, I would like to present a different perspective to further examine the Taiwanese people’s objectivity and subjectivity under Japanese rule, to bring more focuses on the local Taiwanese capitals when discussing the economic particularity of Taiwan under Japanese rule in the future.


