  • 學位論文


The Influence of the Draft of Dispatched Employment Bill on the Application of Manpower in Labor Market

指導教授 : 馬財專


派遣猶如一支巨大的怪獸,漸漸的失去控制,向勞工襲捲而來,再次喚醒政府的正視。此次提出「派遣勞工保護法草案」(以下簡稱派遣法草案)顧名思義應以保護派遣勞工為出發點,但五一勞動遊行口號為「反低薪禁派遣」,這不難看出,勞工並不樂見此法案立法。難道系因勞動派遣在我國根深柢固之形象為負面代表?我國此次擬定派遣草案法亦是取經於日本,期待能以此為借鏡,避免重蹈日本覆轍。2014年隨著派遣法草案再度出現,讓延宕已久的派遣法,依稀透出一線曙光。本研究將釐清公、私部門派遣勞工之勞動條件現況及差異,並探討派遣法草案中「派遣使用上限」、「同工同酬」、「轉正期間」及「指定派遣工」對勞動市場未來發展之影響。 本研究系以派遣公司、要派公司、派遣勞工與公部門主管為主要研究對象,經由深入訪談來了解與探討派遣法草案是否對勞動市場產生變化。其中公部門受訪樣本皆隸屬於勞動部,研究對象共計十八位。本研究將探討此法對勞動市場之影響及日後該如何因應。亦衍生出本研究研究問題「派遣公司及要派公司如何看待派遣法?又該如何因應?」 研究中發現,勞動市場對派遣勞工保護法已有對應之策,由其勞動部執掌我國勞資雙方事務,亦身為擬定派遣勞工保護法之主管機關,怎能帶頭將勞動派遣契約轉為承攬契約,籍此規避派遣法。研究中亦發現派遣法擬定使用條件愈嚴苛,亦能有效降低使用勞動派遣之意願,但此法對於派遣勞工而言並無實質之助益。面對脫序的勞動派遣,政府應盡速立法,以保障勞工權益。重賞之下必有勇夫,重罰之下必有良民,因此除建議應加重其罰並停止許可其聘僱外國人,以保障國人就業安全。研究者提出下列建議: (一)調整公部門使用上限計算費基,私部門應提出使用申請。 (二)支持事前面試。 (三)禁止指定派遣工將使勞工陷入就業不安定。 (四)縮短轉正期間。 (五)薪酬發放標準應公告周知,擬定薪資定型化契約範本。


Abstract Like a gigantic monster, dispatched employment, has lost control and swept across labor market and again call for the concern of government. The proposed “Act on Protection of Dispatched Workers” (hereinafter referred to as the Dispatched Worker Act), as the name implies, aims for the protection of dispatched workers. The labor protest on May 1, however, called for “against low payment and dispatched employment.” This truly indicates the lack of support among workers for the Act. Is it because of the negative perception rooted in Taiwan towards dispatched employment? The draft act learned from Japanese experience with the objective to avoid repeating mistakes made by Japan. In 2014, along with the re-emergence of the Dispatched Employment Bill, there is a hope for the promulgation of this long-delayed act. This study clarifies the current status of labor conditions and differences among dispatched workers employed by both private and public sectors as well as discusses the impact of “the maximum use limitation of dispatched employment,” “equal pay for equal work,” “probation period,” and “specified workers” in the Dispatched Employment Bill on the future development of labor market. This study investigates dispatching firms, user enterprises, dispatched workers, and directors of the public sector via in-depth interviews to understand and discuss whether changes are triggered by the Dispatched Employment Bill. Among the 18 subjects, those in the public sector all work for Ministry of Labor. Thus, the research questions that address the impact of the Bill on labor market and future responses are described below: (1) What do dispatching companies think of the Bill of Dispatched Employment? How should they respond to it? (2)Will the Bill of Dispatched Employment help to improve the work conditions of dispatched workers? The study finds the responsive measures taken by labor market towards the Act on Protection of Dispatched Workers. Ministry of Labor takes charge of industrial relationship matters as well as the competency agency to promulgate the Act. Will it take the lead to convert dispatched employment contracts into subcontracting agreement in order to avoid regulations governed by the Bill. This study also discovers the stricter the use condition regulated in the Bill results in more effective reduced use of dispatched workers. Yet, this Bill has no concrete benefits for dispatched workers. Faced the disorder of dispatched employment, the government should pass the Bill as soon as possible to protect the rights of labors. Generous rewards rouse one to heroism. Therefore, it is suggested that heavy punishment should be imposed in the Bill and foreign labor employment should be prohibited to protect employment safety of our people. Keywords: dispatched employment, the Act on Protection of Dispatched Workers, the maximum use limitation of dispatched workers, equal pay for equal work


邱祈豪(2009),2008 年日本勞動派遣法草案及派遣實態之研究,台灣勞動評論,第2卷第1期,63-91。
劉士豪(2008),勞動派遣的法律關係—從國際勞工組織第181號公約談起,臺灣國際法季刊,第5卷第3期,81 - 130。
林保成、詹芳旻、陳裕達、古芷婷(2008),台灣人力派遣現況之比較與分析-以派遣公司為例,全球管理與經濟,第4卷第1期,111 - 126。
