  • 學位論文


A Study on the Immigration Policy of Taiwan and Singapore –with Analysis of the Effects of Fertility Decline on National Security

指導教授 : 林泰和


從歷史演進來看,我國屬於標準的移民社會,然而,因為戒嚴等政治因素使我國對於入出境人流管制相當嚴格,同時亦不重視移民政策,直至近年來外籍配偶及大陸配偶人數大量增加,始逐漸注意此一新興社會現象,並設置專責機關「內政部移民署」,配合現實及未來需求陸續制定、調整相關移民政策。 新加坡自立國以來因地小人稠,且近年來面臨少子化的困境,故相當重視人力資源,欲提升人民的生育率,而積極實施獎勵生育措施,然其成效有限,因此放寬移民政策,鼓勵移民,以彌補人力缺口,此一政策為新加坡帶來多元的社會文化發展,也讓新加坡的經濟競爭力持續維持優質表現。 我國少子化情況亦相當嚴重,對於人口安全的衝擊,使得我國國家安全在軍事、社會、經濟各個方面安全均受到嚴重影響。對於少子化現象目前解決方案,大致以鼓勵生育政策為主,惟提高各項福利津貼或生活補助究竟對民眾提升生育的實質效益為何?仍有待考驗;另一方面乃嬰兒從出生至長大成人至少需20年左右時間,針對國防所需人力及社會經濟需求之勞動力,無法立即補充。 在全球化的浪潮之下,人口遷移是必然趨勢,本研究藉由我國與新加坡移民政策的探討,期許移民所帶來的人力資源減緩我國面臨少子化現象的衝擊。


Though a typical immigrant state from a historical point of view, the imposition of martial law and other political factors have given rise to strict border control and a lack of due attention to our immigration policy. Until recent years, a significant increase in the number of foreign and mainland spouses has led to the establishment of the "Nation Immigration Agency of the Ministry of Interior", an ad-hoc institution for the formulation and adjustment of immigration policies according to current and future needs. Densely populated with limited land since independence, the declining fertility in recent years has prompted Singapore to strengthen its human resources; incentive measures have been actively implemented to promote birthrate, though to limited avail. Thus, to compensate for the loss in manpower, immigration laws were revised to encourage mass immigration, which not only spawned social and cultural diversity, but also served to maintain Singapore’s continued economic competitiveness. Plummeting fertility has also become an urgent threat to our nation’s population security, causing severe impact on national security in terms of military defense, social development, and economy. Current solutions rely largely on incentives-based policies, but it remains to be seen how higher bonuses or subsistence allowances can actually boost the birth rate; on the other hand, the minimum 20-year period for a newborn to reach adulthood means that the need in manpower and labor required for national defense and socio-economic activities could not be fulfilled overnight. Under the tide of globalization, international migration has become an irreversible trend. By examining the immigration policies of Taiwan and Singapore, this study aspires to see increased immigration as the key to addressing the demographic challenges posed by our low domestic birthrate.


趙哲一、陳楊正光,「新時期國家安全的焦點-非傳統安全的發展趨勢」,危機管理學刊,第6卷第2期 (2009年),頁101-112。
