  • 學位論文


A Production Study of Stops by Mandarin Speakers Acquiring Southern Min as a Second Language

指導教授 : 蔡素娟


在第二語言習得的領域中,語言移轉是一個很重要的議題。語言移轉是指母語會影響第二語言的習得。語言移轉可分成正向移轉及負向移轉兩種。正向移轉是指母語會幫助第二語言的習得,而負向移轉則代表母語會干擾或阻礙第二語言的習得。有些研究指出,當母語及第二語言的語言結構相似時,第二語言學習者便會忽略兩語言間的差異,負向移轉因此產生作用,進而造成學習第二語言的困難;然而,也有另外研究結果指出,當母語及第二語言在語言結構上有相當程度的落差時,負向移轉較為容易產生影響力,造成第二語言習得上的困難。本篇研究藉由分析由以中文為母語並學習閩南語當作第二語言及英語當作外語的大學生所發出的中文、閩南語及英語的字首子音,旨在測試何種環境會引起負向移轉。根據文獻所提供的嗓音起始時間,閩南語中的/b/及/g/被歸類為與中文/p/及/k/相差較大的塞音,而英語中的/b/和/g/則和中文中的/p/和/k/相同。40位國立中正大學的學生參與了本研究,參與者在實驗過程中必須依照指示使用規定之語言(中文、閩南語或英語)朗誦出所看到的字詞。根據音檔,主要的研究發現如下: 英語中的有聲塞音/b/及/g/被歸類為與中文相同的音,因此以中文為母語的大學生所發出的英文嗓音起始時間跟英語母語人士所發出的並無顯著差異,然而,閩南語中的有聲塞音/b/及/g/則被歸類為與中文不相似的音,以中文為母語的大學生所發出的嗓音起始時間和閩南語母語人士所發出的則達到顯著的差異,因此可推論出當兩語言間的語言結構相差較大時,負向移轉便會產生,進而造成第二語言學習者習得上的困難。


Transfer Hypothesis has been proposed for second language (L2) acquisition which suggests that language acquisition of L2 learners is affected by their first language (L1). There are two kinds of transfer, i.e., positive transfer and negative transfer. This study focuses on negative transfer which means that previous language knowledge of L1 tends to block or delay L2 acquisition. Some studies have shown that negative transfer occurs on sounds in L2 which are similar to sounds in L1 because it would be hard to notice the differences between those sounds. However, other studies argue that negative transfer tends to operate when sounds in L1 and L2 are dissimilar. This study aims to test the Negative Transfer Hypothesis by investigating the production of stops in Southern Min and English stops by L1 Mandarin speakers. Based on the VOT values provided by the previous studies (Chen et al. 2007 for Mandarin; Heish 2007 for Southern Min; Klatt 1975 for English), for L1 Mandarin speakers, Southern Min /b/ and /g/ are dissimilar sounds, while English /b/ and /g/ are identical sounds to Mandarin /p/ and /k/. An experiment was designed to collect the production of the above sounds by L1 Mandarin speakers who have been learning Southern Min as a second language and English as a foreign language. Forty native Mandarin speakers were recruited to participate in this experiment. Participants were asked to read wordlists with stop initials in Mandarin, English, and Southern Min, respectively. The VOTs of the target stops were measured. The results show that the VOTs of English /b/ and /g/, which are identical to Mandarin /p/ and /k/, were not significantly different from the VOTs produced by native English speakers, while the VOTs of Southern Min /b/ and /g/, which are dissimilar to Mandarin /p/ and /k/, were significantly different the VOTs produced by native Southern Min speakers. The findings support the claim that negative transfer operates when two sounds are dissimilar and dissimilar sounds might be more difficult for L2 learners.


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