  • 學位論文


The Study of The Public Employment Service Agencies Help New Immigrant Residents Get a Job in Taichung, Changhua & Nantou Areas

指導教授 : 馬財專 博士


2014年底時我國新住民人數已達49萬8,368人,相關新住民研究也因應而生;研究者以「外籍配偶」、「大陸配偶」與「就業」三關鍵字登入臺灣博碩士論文系統查詢,至2015年3月總計有450篇新住民碩博士論文,其中與就業(含職業訓練、創業與勞動權益研究)相關研究僅有75篇,只佔整體研究17%,顯示在就業議題探討上仍需更多關注。 為了解公立就業服務機構服務新住民尋職概況,本研究採半結構質化訪談方式,訪談12名公立就業服務機構就業服務人員與3位主管,嘗試以就業服務人員角度來探討新住民尋職服務歷程,並期待歸納出完整的就業服務成效指標,作為日後有效協助新住民克服尋職障礙的參考依據。 本研究將就業服務人員所提供之服務分為關係建立期、求職準備期、求職行動期與追蹤關懷期4階段歷程,經彙整各階段服務內容後,針對就業服務主管機關提出政策建議如下: 一、提供服務人員完整教育訓練 二、解決人不不足的窘境 三、加強服務的宣導與成功故事的行銷 四、建立完善托育與養護社區資源 五、擴大就業促具工具對象別定義 六、建立立即外語翻譯服務的資訊網 七、就業促進工具電腦系統化 八、協助新住民服務新住民


In the end of 2014, the numbers of new immigrant residents have reached 498,368,and many researchs have generated. Typing this three key words, "foreign spouses", "Chinese spouses" and "employment"on National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan, it will come out with 450 theses until March 2014. There are only 75 theses(17%) related to employment (including vocational training, entrepreneurship and labor research interests). It means still need more attention on employment subject. In order to know that the public employment service agencies how to help new immigrant residents to seek jobs, this research visits 12 employment services employees and 3 managers from public employment services agencies with semi-structured interviewing. This research tries to analyse new immigrant residents employment process in employees's view, and hopes to conclude a complete set of measures to evaluate the performance of public employment service agencies. This set of measures can be used as a reference to effectively assist new immigrant residents to overcome difficulties in seeking jobs in the future. This research divides the employment services into four stages: relationship building, job search preparation, job search action, and follow-up.According to the research, the recommendations for policies as below: 1. Providing employment services employees with a complete training. 2.Resolving manpower shortages.3.Enhancing advertisements for services and successful stories.4. Establishing a complete day care community and resource. 5. Expanding the identity daffnition of employment tools. 6. Setting up an information network for foreign immediate translation services. 7. Computerizing employment promotion tools. 8. Assisting former immigrant residents to serve new immigrant residents.


