  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 楊維真 顏尚文


漢傳佛教從明末清初傳入台灣之後,歷經明清時期、日治時期、戒嚴時期、解嚴至今已經三百多年,早已深入台灣民間,而成為台灣文化不可或缺的一部分。解嚴之後的台灣,因為政治的急遽改革,科技及網路的急速發展,使社會的變遷加速,各種政治社會運動也風起雲湧。在這樣的社會變遷中,個人與團體都不由自主的受到影響,佛教當然也不會例外。所以,本文主要是想要探討解嚴對台灣漢傳佛教有什麼樣的影響﹖佛教如何改革或轉型﹖以因應這樣急遽變化的政治社會環境。所以,本文首先是透過不同的佛教組織:中國佛教會、中華佛寺協會、嘉義縣的佛教寺廟、齋教,在解嚴之後的轉型與發展,來了解台灣漢傳佛教在解嚴之後的變化。 另外,台灣在解嚴之後,因為社會政治的改革開放,加速了與國際社會的接軌,也帶來了一連串社會倫理的改變、生態環境的改變、環保議題的受到重視、醫學的發達、網路的快速發展等,帶動了各種倫理的提倡與關注。這樣的多元價值觀,所帶來的各種各樣不同的看法,生活在現代社會的團體或個人,若無法調整心態與行為表現,來適應這些倫理的變遷,將可能導致自己的進退失據。在這樣的社會環境中,台灣漢傳佛教要如何適應﹖並提出自己的看法以回應社會的需求,這是當代台灣漢傳佛教的重要課題,也是本文的研究目的之一。


Since late Ming(明) and early Qing(清) dynasty, Chinese Buddhism had had a real impact on Taiwan’s society, and formed the necessary part among Taiwan culture during past three hundred years: Ming and Qing period, Japanese ruled period, Martial Law imposing and lifting period. After the abolition of Martial Law, the whole society changed rapidly in Taiwan. There are a variety of political movements held, like a rising wind and scudding clouds, due to the sharp political innovation and the rapid development of technology and network. During this change, individual or the community got impacted more or less. Buddhism, of course, couldn’t be excluded. Therefore, we are going to discuss how Chinese Buddhism got impacted after abolition of Martial Law in Taiwan. How would Buddhism innovate or transform for adapting this quick change of social and political environment? In this thesis, I am trying to find out the change of Buddhism after abolition of Martial Law in Taiwan, through different Buddhist organizations, like BAROC (Buddhist Association of the Republic of China中國佛教會), CBTA (Chinese Buddhist Temple Association中華佛寺協會), Buddhist temples and Zhāijiào (Chinese religions of fasting齋教) in Chiayi county (嘉義縣), by analyzing their transformation and development. Besides, after abolition of Martial Law, Taiwan quickly connected with global society, due to the open way of social and political innovation. That brought a series of ethical change, and the change of ecological environment. The issue of environmental protection is also valued. The development of medical science and the rapid evolvement of global network also drew our attention on a variety of ethical issues. Facing these multiple views of value, individual or the community who live in this modern society, if not being able to adjust our mind and behavior to adapt to these changes, we would lose ourselves from proper response. In this kind of social environment, how Chinese Buddhism would do to get with it? Here, I also propose my opinion to respond our social needs. I think this is an important issue for Modern Chinese Buddhism in Taiwan, and also the purpose of my research.


