  • 學位論文


A Study on School Cultures and Teachers' Attitudes Toward the Evaluation of Teachers' Professional DevelopmentFor example with an elementary school in Chiayi City.

指導教授 : 詹盛如


學校文化與教師專業發展評鑑態度之研究 以嘉義市一所國小為例 羅士杰 國立中正大學教育學研究所 摘要 本研究以陽光國小為例,依照張慶勳於2001提出的學校文化層面、仲秀蓮於2011年提出的學校文化核心要素、Cavanagh & Dellar在1998年提出的改善學校文化模式以及吳俊憲於2013年提出的重新建構學校文化為理論基礎。探究學校文化與教師專業發展評鑑參與態度之關係分並根據研究發現提供學校、教師 以及未來相關之研究建議。此研究採取質性研究之個案研究方式,經過九位陽光國小教師的訪談,研究結論如下: 一、陽光國小推動教師專業發展評鑑之核心策略 (一)學校舊有觀摩制度容易塑造教師進入教專計畫實施。 (二)承辦單位將教師專業發展評鑑所需各類評鑑內容以各種媒材告知學校教 師。 二、陽光營造學校專業成長文化氛圍以推動教師專業發展評鑑計畫 (一)學校領導者確立學校發展願景,行政單位將願景制度化、具體化,塑造 出校園主文化,再經由全體師生共同發展。 (二)對學校深切的認同感,讓學校在推動各項計畫包含教師專業發展評鑑計 劃都能獲得良好的參與感。 (三)強烈的成就動機及高昂的工作士氣讓陽光國小教師對於各項計畫的參與 以及專案爭取鬥志高昂。 (四)良好的人際互動關係讓陽光國小教師間有更緊密的結合,亦促進教師專 業發展評鑑計畫的施行。 (五)密集的專業互動以及開放教室的胸襟讓教師專業發展評鑑實施踏出 成功的腳步。 關鍵字:學校文化、教師專業發展評鑑


A Study on School Cultures and Teachers' Attitudes Toward the Evaluation of Teachers' Professional DevelopmentFor example with an elementary school in Chiayi City. Lo, Shih-Chieh National Chung Cheng University Graduate Institute Of Education Abstract Aiming to explore the relation between school cultures and teachers' attitudes in participating the evaluation of teachers' professional development and moreover, to offer suggestions in the light of the results for schools, teachers and associated studies in the future. The study illustrated by the example of Sunshine Elementary School is based on the theories listed as follows: "The School Culture Level" submitted by Chang, Ching- Hsun in 2001, "The Key Elements of A School Culture" submitted by Chung, Hsiu-Lien in 2011, "The Improvement of A School Culture-Driven Model" submitted by Cavanagh & Dellar in 1998, as well as "The Reconstruction of A School Culture" submitted by Wu, Chun-Hsien in 2013.In the study, the case study in terms of the qualitative research method was applied on the interviews with nine teachers teaching at the Sunshine Elementary School. The results of the study are listed as following: 1. The core strategy applied to the evaluation of teachers' professional development is implemented at Sunshine Elementary School. (1) In school, teachers are easily shaped by the old observation system to join the implementation in the plans of teachers' professional development. (2) The organizers help put various kinds of evaluations needed in the evaluation of teachers' professional development into the form of media to notify teachers in school. 2. The atmosphere of professional development in school cultures was built at Sunshine Elementary School for implementing the plans on the evaluation of teachers' professional development. (1) Building and shaping the main school culture in school for all teachers and students to make collaborative development, the administrative unit carry it out by systematizing as well as concretizing the school development vision established by the school leader. (2) Having a deep sense of identity in school, teachers get well involvement in implementing the plans on the evaluation of teachers' professional development. (3) Having strong achievement motivation and high working morale, teachers at Sunshine Elementary School are positively to get involved in any project. (4) With good interpersonal relationships, teachers at Sunshine Elementary School are combining each other closely to form a balance whole, moreover, to promote the implementation in the plans on the evaluation of teachers' professional development. (5) With intensive professional interactions and an open-minded attitude in offering classrooms, can the implementation in the plans on the evaluation of teachers' professional development be carried out successfully. Keywords: School Culture The Evaluation of Teachers' Professional Development


