  • 學位論文

以論文關鍵字為基礎建立知識地圖與研究趨勢分析—以Decision Support Systems Journal為例

Set up knowledge map and analyze the research trend with Keywords of aritcles — A Case Study of Decision support systems Journal

指導教授 : 吳帆


本研究提出一個以論文關鍵字為基礎的知識地圖,藉此觀察與分析研究趨勢,由關鍵字作為研究觀察的目標,藉此了解關鍵字背後所屬的研究領域在不同年份之間受重視的程度。 本研究以Decision Support Systems Journal為研究標的物,將2010~2014年之間的所有論文關鍵字視為節點(Node)透過連線(Link)表示關鍵字的關聯,同篇論文中關鍵字會組成完全圖(Complete Graph),最終所有論文分別組成後完全圖之後就產生一個屬於該年度的知識地圖。透過知識地圖觀察關鍵字的連結情形與整體分佈藉此觀察期刊的研究趨勢與熱門關鍵字。除了知識地圖之外本研究結合長條圖與時間軸設計呈現熱門關鍵字與之連結的節點。透過該方法了解單一關鍵字與熱門關鍵字同時出現的次數,透過長條圖搭配時間軸可以了解單一關鍵字的歷史資訊。 本研究最終結論得到熱門關鍵字與趨勢前三名分別為: Decision support system、Data mining、Electronic commerce。透過使用者評估,最後得到正面的使用者回饋。本研究以知識地圖觀察整體研究趨勢,對於後續的相關研究與資訊檢索系統功能設計方面本研究的方法是有幫助的。


This study put forth a keyword-based knowledge map and use knowledge map to observe and analyze the trend of journal. By the keyword as the objective of the study, we can understand the importance of the research field in different years. This study takes Decision Support Systems Journal on as the object of the research, treat all paper keywords of 2010-2014 years as the node (Node) through the connection (link) to represents the associated of keyword, keyword of the same paper will combine a complete graph, finally all papers are respectively composed of the complete graph and there have a belong to the knowledge map of the year. Observing the research trends and the popular keywords of the periodicals through the connection situation and the whole distribution of the keywords in the knowledge map. In addition to knowledge map. This study combined with the bar chart and the time slide. In order to show a popular keyword connected nodes. Through the method of understanding times on a single keyword and popular keyword to appear at the same time, through the bar graph collocation in timeslide. can be used to understand the historical information of a single keyword. This research final conclusion obtains popular keywords and trend top three respectively is: Decision support system and Data mining and Electronic commerce. Evaluate through the user, finally get positive user's feedback. This research observes the whole research trend by knowledge map and it is helpful to the research of the following related research and the function design of information retrieval system.


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