  • 學位論文


Analysis of equal rights of homosexual marriage from the perspectives of law, family ethics and Christianity

指導教授 : 蔡允棟


關於什麼是「同性戀」?這個問題並無正確答案。同性戀者的形成,是經歷許多探索而逐漸發展出來,並非先天就認知到自身是同性戀者,而同性戀者的身份認同也具有流動性,並受到所處社會情境的接受度影響。 由於同性婚姻法制化涉及婚姻制度、子女扶養、繼承、社會保險、醫療、合法居留權、領取退休撫卹金或年金、人工生殖等層面,以及心理學、醫學、宗教學、社會學等不同領域的價值判斷,因此,同性婚姻平權的社會影響及未來婚姻制度可能的變革都值得研究者深入探討。 本文是對「多元成家法案」做部份探討,主要從法律、家庭倫理與基督信仰三個面向分析「同性婚姻平權」議題。選取可能涉及「婚姻平權」議題之「政策利害關係人」作為訪談對象,以質性研究方法以獲得研究問題的重要訊息。 在「同性婚姻平權」的研究過程中,可以發現它是一項意見分歧的公共議題。不論是什麼樣觀點與信仰背景的受訪者,對於「同性婚姻平權」的合法化衝擊現行婚姻制度是可預見的。站在政策分析的角度,因「同性婚姻平權」議題符合公共問題的特性,政府必須對此議題加以重視。 研究結果顯示,在家庭倫理面向,不論支持或反對的聲音,同性婚姻對傳統家庭倫理一定會帶來或多或少的改變。不可否認的是時代在進步,很多觀念都受到挑戰。現今的社會較多元而複雜,離婚、單親或隔代教養的狀況使家庭問題變得棘手,在思考婚姻制度的變革時更應審慎。 在法律觀點的面向,目前通過同性婚姻合法化已經有21個國家,在德國、法國及加拿大也設有伴侶制度可加以參考。研究者同意性別是沒有高、低之分,特別是組成家庭是多數成年人的夢想,不論是同性、異性皆然。在公民投票方式進行「同性婚姻」議題部分,反對的人數較多,理由不外認為同性婚姻不屬於憲政議題不適合進行公投,或因通過門檻太高,或是採用公投容易激發社會的對立,都值得政府主管機關參考。 在基督信仰的面向,多數具基督教信仰背景的受訪者都同樣承認在聖經的價值與教義下同性戀者的行為是不被認同,或者說是罪的一種。然而也有受訪者認為「神愛世人」,耶穌基督始終是與社會弱勢或貧窮者、被當時社會拒絕的人站在一起。對於不同的聲音都是人經由自我思考、獨立判斷的結果,研究者認為都必須加以尊重,不可輕看任何人的意見。對於支持者的意見可作為基督徒的信仰省思。在未來,同性婚姻議題仍可能衝擊教會與基督信仰的教導,教會界或宗教團體在回應問題時更應謹慎思辨,避免產生對信仰的誤解。在屬世的紅塵之中追尋信仰的真理的確是困難的,因此聖經上說通往天國的路是窄的,找得到的人很少。在眾說紛紜的世界裡,基督徒需要有更大的勇氣去面對世界的變化與挑戰。 最後,本研究對同性婚姻議題有以下幾點政策建議: 一、同性婚姻尚未合法化之前,政府部門應該重視同性伴侶的權利保護,在相關的規定做部分調整。 二、建立支持與反對團體的溝通平台,例如建立類似政論性節目或電台以及網路平台,提供不特定團體陳述立場與意見,以減少彼此衝突及引發社會對立。 三、參考德國政府所採行的開放同性伴侶制度立法模式,類似婚姻的制度,給予同性伴侶在法律上的保障。


What is "homosexuality"? There is no correct answer to this question. Homosexuality is gradually developed through many explorations and is not an innate cognition. Besides, the identity of homosexuality is mobile, and is affected by the society’s degree of acceptance. Because the legalization of homosexual marriage involves value judgment concerning the marriage system, child raising, inheritance, social insurance, medical care, legal residency, entitlement to retirement pension or annuity, artificial reproduction as well as the fields of psychology, medicine, religion and sociology, the social impact of equal rights for homosexual marriage and the possible change to the marriage system in the future are worth an in-depth study. This paper conducts a partial review of the "Diverse Family Formation Act" and analyzes the "equal rights of homosexual marriage" issue mainly from the perspectives of law, family ethics and Christianity. "Policy stakeholders" possibly involved in the "equal rights of homosexual marriage" issue are selected as interviewees, and the qualitative research method is used to obtain important information for the research. In the research process of "equal rights of homosexual marriage", we can find that it is a public issue of disagreement. No matter what views and religious beliefs of the interviewees, the impact of legalization of "equal rights of homosexual marriage" to the existing marriage system is foreseeable. From the perspective of policy analysis, because "equal rights of homosexual marriage" has the characteristics of a public issue, the government must paid more attention to it. Research results show that from the family ethics perspective, regardless of supportive or opposing views, homosexual marriage will certainly bring a change to traditional family ethics. It is undeniable that as the time progresses, many ideas will be facing challenges. Today's society is diverse and complex, and issues like divorce, single parenting or grand parenting make family problem more thorny. Policy makers should therefore be more prudent in the marriage system reform. From the legal perspective, there are currently 21 countries which have legalized homosexual marriage, and Germany, France and Canada also have a partner system which can be referred to. The researchers agree that no gender is superior or inferior, and it is most adults' dream to form a family, regardless of homosexuals or heterosexuals. On the referendum of "homosexual marriage", there are more people opposing to this idea either because they think homosexual marriage is not a constitutional issue and is not suitable for a referendum, or because the threshold is too high, or a referendum for this issue can easily arouse social opposition. These are views worthy of the competent authority’s reference. On the Christianity perspective, most of the interviewees with a Christian background acknowledge that under the values and teachings of the Bible the acts of homosexuals are not recognized, or are a kind of sin. However, some interviewees believe that "God loves the world", and Jesus Christ was always with the social vulnerable, the poor and those rejected by the society in his time. Different views are the results of self reflection and independent judgment, and the researchers think they all should be respected without any prejudice. The supportive views can be used for the thought of Christians. In the future the issue of homosexual marriage is still likely to impact the teachings of the church and Christianity, and the church or religious groups should be more cautious in the response to this issue to avoid any misunderstanding of the religion. The pursuit of truth in faith in a worldly environment is indeed difficult, therefore the Bible says the path to heaven is narrow, and only few people can find it. In a world of divergent views, Christians need to be more brave to face the challenges of the world. Finally, this study has the following policy recommendations on the issue of homosexual marriage: 1.Before homosexual marriage is legalized, government entities should attach importance to the protection of homosexual couples’ rights, and make some adjustments in relevant provisions. 2.Establish a communication platform for both supporting and opposing groups, such as the setup of programs similar to political talk shows or radio and internet platforms to allow specific groups to make their statements and views in order to reduce conflicts and relieve social tensions. 3.Refer to the German homosexual partner system and its legislative model to establish a system similar to the marriage system and provide legal protection to homosexual couples.


