  • 學位論文


Investigating the Illicit Drugs Use in the Juvenile Inmates: An Advanced Study

指導教授 : 楊士隆


摘 要 我國青少年藥物濫用已成為嚴重之社會問題,因觸犯毒品危害防制條例而入所收容之少年比例逐年攀升,本研究因此以收容少年為研究對象,探討收容少年入所前使用合法物質、非法藥物之狀況與兩者間之相關性,希冀進一步瞭解收容少年從合法物質進階到非法藥物之使用歷程。 本研究之分析資料來自科技部委託楊士隆教授於2015年主持的「青少年非法藥物使用調查研究-以新北市、台中市、高雄市為例」專題研究計畫,並擷取部分問卷資料進行分析,本文之研究參與者為收容於台北少觀所、台中少觀所與高雄少觀所之收容少年,共計有145名有效樣本。 研究結果發現收容少年入所原因以違反毒品危害防制條例為最高(54人,37.2%),且其單獨使用合法物質(煙、酒、檳榔)抑或是合併使用合法物質之比例皆極高,入所前一年逾五成的收容少年(80人,55.2%)同時具有抽菸、飲酒與嚼檳榔之行為。非法藥物使用以愷他命為大宗(90人,62.1%);其次為第二級毒品如安非他命、搖頭丸、大麻、浴鹽與神奇魔菇等,共計有72名(49.7%);使用第一級毒品海洛英僅2名(1.4%)。值得注意的是,收容少年合併使用合法物質與非法藥物以「K菸」為主(59.7%),此舉亦證明了從其合法物質進階到非法藥物之進階歷程(gateway process)。 本研究透過藥物濫用進階理論探討收容少年使用合法物質、軟性非法藥物與硬性非法藥物之關聯性與進階順序,研究發現當收容少年具合法物質使用經驗,則越可能有非法藥物使用經驗,且當其使用香菸與檳榔之頻率越高,則越可能去使用非法藥物;收容少年之進階歷程依序為(1)菸、(2)酒、(3)檳榔、(4)愷他命與(5)其他毒品,愷他命扮演了軟性非法藥物之角色;從性別角度觀之,女性在使用合法物質與非法藥物之年齡皆略早於男性收容少年;從進階時程觀之,收容少年初次接觸合法物質進階到非法藥物之使用,平均花費不到1年(0.96年)的時間。 根據研究結果發現提出幾點建議:(1)重視使用合法物質的高危青少年;(2)及早介入具有合法物質使用經驗之高危少年;(3)加強青少年藥物濫用之預防與防制工作。


Abstract Adolescent drug abusers often cause very serious problems and dangers to society. Recently, the reasons for juvenile inmates have been an increase in the rate of Drug Prevention and Control Act. The present study focuses on exploring the prevalence of legal substances and illicit drugs use among juvenile inmates. Further, the study aimed to investigate the correlation and the process of development between legal substances and illicit drugs use. The participants of this study were recruited from Juvenile Detention Houses in New Taipei City, Taichung and Kaohsiung. In total, 145 valid questionnaires were collected. The results indicate that most of the respondents are detained due to offenses related to the violation of the Drug Prevention and Control Act (54 persons, 37.2%). Regarding legal substances abuse, findings show that juvenile inmates have a high percentage on a separate use or mixed use. The juvenile inmates using all legal substances (cigarette, alcohol and betel nut) simultaneously were more than half of people before they enter the Juvenile Detention Houses in the previous year. Regarding illicit drugs abuse, the results show that Ketamine is the most popular drug that those juvenile inmates used (90 persons, 62.1%), followed by second-grade drugs including Amphetamine, ecstasy, Marijuana, Psilocybin (72 persons, 49.7%).The first-grade drug (Heroin) is used at lower rate (2 persons, 1.4%). Especially, Ketamine is the most widely used drug in the juvenile inmates and they take Ketamine by mixing the use of cigarette. Such condition shows the gateway process of development from legal substances to illicit drugs use. This pattern of data suggests that juvenile inmates who have the experiences of legal substances abuse with a relatively high frequency may be higher tendency for using illegal drugs. The gateway sequence of development is “cigarette”, “alcohol”, “betel nut”, “Ketamine” and “other illicit drugs”. “Ketamine” is thought to play the role of soft illicit drugs. Regarding the developmental time, juvenile inmates spend less than a year from first experience using legal substances to illicit drugs. We provide some suggestions based on the method and pattern utilized in this study. The government and public should pay more attention to teenagers at high risk of legal substances use and intervene the gateway process of development. Moreover, the government must formulate suitable prevention countermeasures for preventing and controlling the illegal drugs using tendency among youths.


楊士隆、戴伸峰、曾淑萍 (2014-2017)。青少年非法藥物使用調查研究-以新北市、台中市、高雄市為例。行政院科技部委託研究報告(編號:103-2410-H-194-097-993),未出版。
