  • 學位論文

建置一般性資料庫後台應用之研究-以MS SQL 為例實作

Developing a General Database Application System - Take MS SQL for Instance

指導教授 : 吳帆


資料庫無疑是迄今科技應用最基礎之根本,諸多科技演進無不以資料庫作為其資料探勘或分析之根基。隨著時代變遷,資料庫已由DOS模式指令方式,演進至資料庫管理系統(Database Managerment System - DBMS)模式,換句話說,從1980年代初期後,許多資料庫大廠紛紛推出圖形化管理工具與結構化查詢語言(Structured Query Language - SQL)。至今,目前市面上大多數資料庫系統都已是ANSI / SPARC三層資料庫系統架構所組成,其架構分別為內部層(Internal level)、概念層(Conceptual level)或稱為邏輯層(Logical level),和外部層(External level)。 Tupper, C.(1998)之資料庫邏輯模組與開發設計研究指出,藉由移動和合併實體物件,或是創建新的實體物件與屬性來達成特殊客製要求,並且透過合成鍵來控制實體層資料異動或結構改變;本文以Tupper, C之研究作為研究基礎,並提出與實作一套整合DBMS概念層和外部層概念之研究,用以增強使用者對於資料掌握度與縮短異常資料處理時間,並將資料有效率地回復成正確的資料。本文透過使用者滿意度問卷調查方式,共回收93份有效問卷,針對「內容」、「格式」、「正確性」、「及時性」、「易用性」五種向度使用Qlikview分析,其結果顯示使用者對於使用資料庫後台應用意願是顯著的,此一研究可作為產官學界資料庫應用之研究提供參考。


The database has no doubt been the most basic of technology application. Many evolutions of science and technology such as data mining or data analysis are based on database. With the changing times, database has already evloved from DOS command to database managerment system (DBMS). In the other word, lots offamous database companies have introduced graphical management tool and structured query language (SQL) after the begining of 1980. Until now, most DBMSare consists of ANSI (American National Standards Institute) / SPARC (Standards Planning and Requirements Commitee), which includes three level of structures.They are internal level, conceptual level or call logical level, and external level. Tupper's research - the physics of logical modeling, pointed out using by merging entities and moving objects, or creating new entity objects and attributes to achieve special custom requirements; besides, using synthetic keys to control the physical layer data movement or structural changes. This article makes reference toTupper’s research. It proposes a new method to integrate conceptual level and external level, and also implements the method. The purposes are enhancing users could controll data situation, and it also could shorten the processing time to correct anomaly data. In this paper, through user satisfaction questionnaire survey, 93 valid questionnaires were collected for the content,format,correctness,timeliness,accessibility five kinds Dimension use Qlikview analysis, the results show that the user wishes to use the general database application is significant, the study of government and academia database application data in this study can be used as a reference.


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