  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Work Stress, Sleep Quality And Coping Strategies of Elementary School Teachers

指導教授 : 鄭勝耀


本研究旨在探討國小個案教師工作壓力、睡眠品質與因應策略之相關脈絡,瞭解個案教師在面對工作壓力時,察覺睡眠品質變化之歷程,以及採取之因應策略,並將教師工作壓力來源分為工作負荷、角色壓力、人際關係、行政支持與個人發展五個面向;以「匹茲堡量表」及「小米手環」進行質化與量化記錄;將因應策略分為行為處理、情緒調適與社會支持三個面向。最後歸納出研究結果,期能提供教育主管機關、學校、教師及未來研究者之參考。   本研究採質性研究方法,以目前或曾經擔任行政職務,以及長期擔任班級導師的三位國小教師為個案研究參與者,在2015年6月到12月期間,研究者深入訪談後,再佐以觀察及文件分析等方式蒐集資料,加以整理、歸納與分析。本研究之主要發現如下: 一、個案教師在工作壓力來源中,對「工作負荷」的「親師溝通」和「學生行為」感受經驗最多,「時間壓力」也不少,除此之外,教師會對自我要求,以達成教育責任。 二、個案教師在工作壓力引發睡眠品質不佳時,會造成生理、心理及生活整體層面上的不良影響。 三、個案教師在面對工作壓力引發睡眠品質不佳時,會採取直接面對解決、內在調適情緒、尋求社會支持等因應策略。 四、教師應與工作壓力和平共存,面對產生的身心變化,彈性採取各種因應策略,方能繼續在教育路上前進。 關鍵字:教師工作壓力、睡眠品質、因應策略


Abstract The study was aimed to investigate the relationship between work stress, sleep quality and the corresponding coping strategies of elementary school teachers. The sources of work stress have been categorized into 5 aspects: workload, role stress, relationships, administrative support and personal development, while the coping strategies have been classified into 3 sectors: behavior management, emotional adjustment and social support. With "Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index " and "Mi Bands", qualitative and quantitative data have been collected and studied for drawing conclusions that could be offered as reference for education authorities, schools, teachers and researchers in the future. From June 2015 to December 2015, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews in a qualitative research method with 3 participants: a long time homeroom teacher, a former education administrator and an education administrator at present. Combined with observation and analysis of documents, the main findings of this study has been analyzed and summarized as follows: 1. Regarding the sources of work stress, "workload", "parent-teacher communication" and "students' conduct" are the experiences oppressed the subjects most, followed by "time pressure". In order to shoulder the educational responsibility, they would also set self-discipline to a high standard. 2. When the sleep quality was interfered by work stress, the adverse affect could spread into physiological, psychological and daily life level. 3. When the subjects had inferior sleep quality induced by work stress, the coping strategies they took were to resolve it directly, to regulate self-emotions or to seek social support. 4. Teachers should coexist with work stress and face the physical and psychological changes, so that they can adopt different coping strategies to help themselves to keep walking on the path of education. Keywords: work stress of teachers, sleep quality, coping strategies


劉雅惠(2011)。中小學教師工作壓力之探究。學校行政,72,77 - 98。
