  • 學位論文


Exploring on the Intended Usage of Smart phone Shopping Apps

指導教授 : 阮金聲


論文摘要 隨著科技的快速發展,智慧型手機購物APP已儼然成為趨勢,現在民之生活重心也隨著擴展至流動場所,使用者利用智慧型手機所提供的行動資訊可在任何的時間、地點查詢的便利性,對傳統消費習慣的衝擊之大,也改變了過往傳統式的購物模式。透過行動APP的資訊提供更可讓消費者隨時隨地取得相關的購物資訊。因此,透過文獻彙整,試圖找出哪些因素會影響民眾使用智慧型手機購物APP之動機,並整提出研究模式,以探討使用者使用購物APP之主要因素為何。 本研究採用網路問卷調查及蒐集樣本,並連結於購物相關論壇、社群網站、PTT購物版。資料分析方法採結構化方程模式,並以SmartPLS2.0作為主要統計分析工具,驗證研究模式中個變數的因果關係。研究結果顯示,其中認知風險性和認知價格性不會直接影響使用意圖之外,智慧型手機購物APP之APP便利性、資訊豐富性、資訊品質、認知有用性、認知易用性、社會影響皆會影響使用意圖。 因此本研究探討使用智慧型手機購物APP之因素,能設計出讓民眾對智慧型手機購物APP,改變消費方式,提升最快的購物之效率。 關鍵字:APP便利性、資訊品質、資訊豐富性




Abstract With the development of modern science and technology, using Shopping Apps on smart phone has become a general trend. People now focus our life on unsteady field instead of steady one.It is more convenient to use shopping apps on smart-phone people can look up the information they want at any time in any place. Using shopping apps on smart-phone make huge change to people's life. And it also changes the pattern of shopping habit on the past.People can get related shopping information from apps at any time they needed Thus, the result of our studies will show the key point to make people want to use the shopping apps. And reveal the model of research to discover other factors of using shopping apps. This research is based on the data of questionnaire collecting from internet. And also public the questionnaire link on shopping forums and network soical media, The method of data analysis is based on the module equation. And use "SmartPLS2.0" as the major analysis tool to verify the realtion of variables, The result of research reveal the risk and price of acknowledge will not impact on the intention of using shopping apps directly, But the richness, quality of information and useful , easy to use of acknowledge and social influence will do, Therefore, this research to investigate the key point of using shopping apps, to produce shopping apps that make people change the way in shopping and improve the affection. Key words: App convenience、Information Quality、Information richness


App convenience


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