  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳慈幸


摘要 長久以來,家庭暴力便存在於人類社會,這些隱密的事情,在以前並不被拿出來做赤裸裸的討論,但是隨著家庭暴力防治法的實施,家庭暴力亦是犯罪行為。然而並非只有身體上的傷痕才是家庭暴力,在目睹母親被父親毆打或是爭吵的景象亦會對兒童造成身心上的傷害。對於目睹家庭暴力的兒童會造成何種傷害的研究已經相當完備,但未見處於家庭暴力環境仍能正向成長並以老師為職業的相關研究。故本研究透過質性訪談的研究方式,對幼時目睹家庭暴力為背景,且以教師為業參與者佐以訪談大綱,探討其生涯歷程,得到以下結論:(一)依據訪談資料的分類,並非只有社經地位低的人才會動手。(二)家庭的互動關係普遍不良,尤其與父親更顯隔閡,管教放式也多採取忽視冷漠的態度。(三)在對於未來職業的選擇,男性會以專長為主要考量,女性會以興趣與需求為發展方向。(四)楷模學習對象多來自於學校,亦是生涯發展重要轉折影響。(五)在生涯發展歷程中,都有有效降低家庭暴力的影響因子,如暫時離開原生家庭。(六)教師生涯隨年資的增長而更顯成熟,對於環境與人際的處理更有效率。 關鍵字:家庭暴力、生涯歷程、楷模學習


Abstract Ever since humankind existed, domestic violence has been a prevalent issue in society. Its existence used to be concealed as a mere family matter, but due to new laws erected to battle against domestic violence, it is now considered a crime. Contrary to popular belief, physical harm is not the only consequence of the beatings and verbal abuse usually associated with this matter: children are also scarred by their parent’s vicious ways. Numerous studies have already exposed the negative effects that domestic violence has on children, but not many people have considered the cases where the normally detrimental experiences have taken a positive course on children - particularly those who grow up to become teachers. Through face to face interviews with teachers with the aforesaid troubling past, a few conclusions have been made: 1. Despite the general consensus, people of all social standings are prone to domestic violence, not just people of low income or status. 2. Children who have poor interactions with their family members – predominantly their fathers – are prevalent in families with domestic violence. In addition, the aforementioned children often have fathers who ignore their children. 3. Males typically choose professions in the technical field, while females typically choose their professions based on their interests. 4. Troubled children from families with domestic violence find role models in school, instead of home, who influence them in a positive way and lead them towards the successes they have now. 5. During career development, children are loosened from the grasp of domestic violence upon leaving home. 6. Through teaching, these teachers gain skill in solving problems of everyday life, partly due to their past experiences in a family with domestic violence. Key Words: Domestic Violence, Life Journey, Role Model Learning.




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陳筱萍、周煌智、吳慈恩、黃志中(2004)。裁定前鑑家庭暴力相對人特徵與施暴的心理社會歸因。中華心理輔導學報, 16,147-178。
