  • 學位論文

代工到自有品牌之轉型策略研究: 以T公司為例

The strategy for OEM to OBM: a study of T company

指導教授 : 許嘉文


近年來台灣食安問題層出不窮,消費者對於台灣食品GMP認證喪失信心外,政府對於工廠的生產線稽核以及上游原料的管控越來越嚴格,導致食品飲料代工業的生存環境越來越困難,一些無法配合新訂定之法規的飲料生產線業者遭淘汰並退場後,台灣飲料代工業的競爭更為激烈,工廠為了訂單、永續經營,必須更積極的轉型,除了一般的OEM飲料代工外,透過本身自有的專業開發能力轉型為ODM模式,為了開創新的市場,透過與下游結合之優勢,以OBM模式開創新的經營模式。 台灣飲料市場一年約550億(資料來源:經濟部統計處),想要從OEM代工中再創造出另外一塊獲利的市場,不管是從創業的角度或是從代工業的角度,OBM將會是一個很好的策略,為什麼會適合代工廠?因為透過創業家的想法以及結合了通路及消費者的需求,讓想法可以商業化。 透過本研究的相關文獻探討、政府網站、市調公司、相關書籍、新聞資料等資料的蒐集,進行個案分析後,觀察企業第二代以創業家的創新想法,透過OBM策略模式創立並經營品牌,並透過專業研究開發能力、原物料整合能力、工廠端生產管理能力,以及關係企業的通路開發能力創造出新的商機。


OEM ODM OBM 創業家 行銷組合 轉型


Food safety issues are emerging in Taiwan in recent years. Consumers lose the confidence in Taiwan GMP validation. Government strictly checks the production works and severely supervises resources of raw materials. Aforementioned factors lead food industries facing more difficulties in running business and developing new products, especially for the contract packers. The beverage manufacturers that cannot meet the demands of new regulations have to be eliminated and quit the market. There is fierce competition between beverage industries. In order to get orders and remain sustainability, industries must be more aggressive in upgrading the business. In addition to develop OEM, industries use its own superiority to transform to ODM business and to open up new markets by establish partnership with distributors to upgrade to OBM business. The annual revenues of Taiwan beverage market a year is about 55 billion (Source: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Statistics Department). Developing OBM would be a good strategy if industries want to increase profit in OEM market, both in view of starting a venture or contract –packing. Why does OBM strategy fit the co-packing industries? It is good because the ideas of entrepreneurs can be commercialized by a combination of distributions and consumer demands. This study collects information from literature, government websites, marketing research company, books, news etc. After case study, we acknowledge the innovative ideas of second generation entrepreneur who creates and manages a new brand by taking advantage of OBM strategy. He creates opportunities of new business through the capabilities of professional research and development, integration of raw material resources, manufacturing management and distribution developing of affiliates.


OEM ODM OBM Entrepreneurs Marketing mix Business transformation


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