  • 學位論文

大學生正向思考及其生命意義之探究─ 以中正大學生命教育課為例

Study the Positive Thinking and Meaning of Life of college students:A case study of Life education of Chung Cheng University

指導教授 : 張菀珍


本研究旨在瞭解大學生之生命意義及正向思考,並探討生命教育課程對大學生正向思考及生命意義之影響,主要研究目的為(一)探討大學生生命意義的認知與建構歷程;(二)瞭解大學生參與生命教育課對其生命意義的影響;(三)瞭解大學生參與生命教育課對其正向思考的影響。 本研究採用質性研究法,以半結構式訪談輔以參與觀察與課堂作業分析蒐集資料,針對8位參與生命教育課之學生進行訪談,經訪談、課堂作業等資料分析,瞭解大學生對生命意義的認知與建構,進而探討生命教育課程對其正向思考與生命意義之影響與啟發,繼而再進行研究結果的討論,最後提出本研究之結論,並針對研究結果提出具體建議。 本研究經資料分析與彙整後,獲致以下結論,分述如下︰ 一、大學生多從創造性價值與經驗性價值中感受到生命意義。 二、大學生生命意義的建構歷程,受到家庭、學校教育、師長同儕、社會價值觀及信仰等影響。 三、生命教育提供同學思考生命議題,反思過去,面對現在,反省未來,但受課程學期時間限制,對 學生影響的深度與廣度有所侷限 四、生命意義的建構是在成長過程中,不斷地調整、改變、形塑的滾動式歷程,透過學習,轉動生命 的巨輪。 五、透過生命教育課程,大學生能更以行動表達對家人的關愛。 六、透過生命教育課程,大學生才瞭解生死尊嚴與善終關懷的重要性。 七、透過生命教育課程,使大學生進一步反思生命意義進而探索之。 八、運用正向思考的五階段面對問題,將原有對挫折的逃避、自我否定等負面思惟,轉為能夠接受事 實,自我肯定,朝向積極面對問題的方向。 九、透過學習正向思考,轉逆境為增上緣,總結失敗經驗為成功的果實,厚實正向能量面對未來。 十、透過學習正向思考反思總結所遭遇的逆境與挫折,啟發大學生態度性價值之生命意義。 十一、透過生命教育課程的學習,突破以自我為中心的生命格局,啟發內省、知足與利他心。 十二、生命教育課程是大學階段極為重要,使學生及早面對並思索生命課題,探尋生命的意義。


This study aims to understand the Meaning of Life and Positive Thinking of College Students, and to investigate the influences of their Meaning of Life and Positive Thinking through the Life Education. The purposes of this study are as follows: 1.To analyze the meaning of life cognition and Construction progress of college students. 2.To understand the influences of Meaning of Life of college students through the Life Education. 3.To understand the influences of positive thinking of college students through the Life Education. This is a qualitative research processed based on semi-structured interviewing, with the support of participant observation and archival analysis. The author interviewed 8 college students to understand the influences of their Meaning of Life and Positive Thinking by documentary analysis methods, such as interviews and analyze their assignments, in order to study t the influences of their Meaning of Life and Positive Thinking through the Life Education. Based on the result, the author induced her conclusions and made some concrete suggestions. The following conclusions made below: 1.Most of Meaning of life of college students comes from creative value and the empirical value. 2.The progress of Meaning of Life construct was strongly influenced by family, school education, teachers and peers, social values and beliefs. 3.Construction of the meaning of life is in the process of growing, constantly adjust, change, then shaping the rolling process. Only through learning can turn the wheel of life. 4.Through Life Education, students are more willing to express their concern and love to their family by actions. 5.Students beginning to learn the Life and Death, and the importance of Hospice by Life Education. 6.Through learning life education, so that students reflect further on the meaning of life and further exploration. 7.Using five-step of Positive thinking to face the problem, change the original escape frustration, self-denial and other negative thinking become to accept the fact ,more self-affirmation, toward a positive direction to face the problem 8.Through learning and using positive thinking, to sum up the failure to growth experience, to deepen the positive attitude toward future. 9.Through learning positive thinking, to reflect the path adversity and frustration, inspired Students the meaning of life of attitudinal value 10.Through life education, break through the self-centered life pattern, inspired introspection, contentment and altruism heart 11.Life education is extremely important in college education, So that students can early face and ponder life topics, explore the meaning of life


潘靖瑛(2011)。「生命的認知與學習」: 一門大學生命教育課程的設計與實施。正修通識教育學報,8,317-340。
